A Fresh Start!

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Chapter 1

Kemino's pale hair covered her left eye as she stepped into the village of Konoha. She looked around when she first walked in, and realized that no one was there to stop here, which was fairly strange considering all the rumors she had heard from people on her travels said that Konoha was a very highly guarded city, and she would be lucky to get inside of it. Kemino scoffed slightly as she moved into the village, gently kicking up dirt as she walked with her black ninja shoes.

She walked through the village, fairly unfamiliar with anything that the village had to offer, but she wasn't going to complain, no, she was going to go the Hokages office and apply for citizenship in this lovely village. If they accepted her, it would be her first time being part of an actually village and being recognized as a citizen since she was seven, so this was exciting to her.

The girl finally wondering into the Hokages office, and to the room that the man would be in. She knocked on the door, and it slowly swung open since it had not been full closed before. The older man, and the younger man who was standing in front of him turned to look at the girl, and they both raised their eyebrows. Kemino raised her eyebrows back at them, making eye contact with the man with the scar along the bridge of his nose.

"Who are you?" The younger man asked, and Kemino smiled. Though you couldn't see the smile through the mask that she wore, it covered the lower two thirds of her face, and her hair would fall and cover her left eye of she didn't continue to move it around.

"My name is Kemino Mano." she said politely, placing both of her hands together in front of her ask she looked at the man. "And what's your name?" Kemino asked him.

"I am Iruka, and this is the Lord Hokage. What is it that you need, Kemino?" Iruka asked, and Kemino used her fingers to push her hair out of her eyes, before she gave him a closed eyed grin.

"I wish to become a citizen of Konoha." she said, her voice never losing the politeness.

"And why do you need citizenship here? Why not take citizenship where you are from with your clan?" Iruka asked lightly, and Kemino flinched back at his words slightly.

"My clan was slaughtered when I was two years old, and I was taken in my an elderly woman until I was 7, that's when she died. I have been on the streets since then, and was recently ran out of my village by a different clan when they saw me attempting to steal some food from their garden at night." She said calmly, and the Hokage looked at the girl, and he could sense that everything she said was the truth.

"What about your mother and father? Were they killed when your clan was murdered?" The Hokage asked, and Kemino sighed slightly.

"My mother was. My father, I haven't seen since I was a year old. So I do not know if he is dead, or alive, or even who he is." The Hokage nodded at her, and Kemino used her fingers to push her bangs back slowly.

"How old are you, Kemino?"

"I am twelve." She said quietly, and the Hokage nodded before looking at Iruka.

"What do you think, Iruka?" He asked, and Kem's eyes flashed over to the tan man, who looked down at the short pale girl.

"I... I don't see why it would be a problem. She can do work around the village to earn her stay, and we can either put her up in an apartment, or we can find someone to take care of her. Even though all the genin her age have graduated onto teams, I will test her and put her on a squad that is best suited for her abilities." Iruka said, and Kemino's face lit up like a little kid on Christmas morning. The little girl ran towards Iruka, and threw her arms around his waist tightly. Iruka was slightly taken back by the action, but none the less, he smiled and hugged Kemino back.

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