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(This takes place after the y2v2 of COTE and the end of v3 of reincarnated as a nameless combatant. Take note that the original Tomobe is replaced by Kiyotaka so a lot of the story is modified.)

The room was dimly lit, casting eerie shadows across the ornate red velvet curtains that adorned the stage. The air was heavy with a mixture of confusion and apprehension as the students of Advanced Nurturing Highschool slowly began to stir. Gradually, groans and murmurs filled the room as they regained consciousness, their eyes blinking against the sudden assault of unfamiliar surroundings.

Horikita Suzune, the leader of Class D, was the first to awaken. Her eyes darted around, taking in the dim light and the grandeur of the theater. She pushed herself into a sitting position, her brow furrowing in confusion as she attempted to piece together the puzzle of her surroundings.

"Where... am I?" she muttered under her breath, her voice barely audible in the midst of the growing commotion.

Realization struck her as her gaze shifted to the other figures scattered around the theater seats. She wasn't alone. Other students, her fellow classmates, even the staff were slowly regaining consciousness as well. Their disoriented groans and bewildered expressions mirrored her own.

Panicked questions and worried exclamations merged into a chaotic symphony of confusion. "Where are we?" "What's going on?" "Is this some kind of prank?" The students' voices overlapped.

Suzune pushed herself to her feet, her eyes scanning the sea of faces that now stared back at her. Taking a deep breath, she raised her voice above the din. "Quiet!" Her command cut through the noise, and gradually, her classmates began to hush, their attention shifting to her.

As her classmates fell into an uneasy silence, Suzune's mind raced with thoughts. She knew that this time, she had to take the initiative. Suzune's gaze flickered toward him for a moment, one of the pillars that once held their class together, Hirata Yosuke who seemed distant and detached, his eyes lifeless and his demeanor apathetic.

Hirata Yosuke had once been an active and influential figure within Class D. But all that had changed since that fateful day—the day they lost their friend, Ayanokouji Kiyotaka. Ever since that tragic incident, Hirata had withdrawn into himself, his former vibrancy replaced by a shell of his former self.

Suzune's heart ached as she reminisced about the loss of Kiyotaka. She had been genuinely saddened by his death. It was so quick, so unexpected that the shock still lingered even though she had managed to move forward. Unlike Yosuke, who remained shackled by the past, she was determined to bring their class back together, honoring Kiyotaka's memory by her own way.

Suzune's gaze shifted around the room once again, noticing the awakening students of different classes and years, including Nagumo Miyabi, the current student council president, as well as the teachers.

And there, among the crowd, was her brother. Suzune's brow furrowed in puzzlement. Why was he here? Graduating just a few months ago, his presence seemed out of place in this gathering. She was filled with questions, but for now, she focused on the task at hand—bringing her class back together.


Meanwhile, in the upper tier of the theater, a group of people dressed in elegant kimonos from the Edo period stirred awake, their eyes blinking open in confusion. The soft rustle of silk filled the air as they shifted on their seats, taking in the unfamiliar surroundings. 

Among the group, a girl with short blonde hair and shiny blue eyes groggily broke the silence, her voice laced with bewilderment. "Uh, where are we?"

Beside her, a girl with delicate long white hair spoke timidly, her voice barely above a whisper. "I-I don't think this is the Kizuki residence..."

COTE CROSSOVER REACTS! (Kiyotaka in Yamiyo no Hotaru)Where stories live. Discover now