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(CW/TW: Blood, cutting)


_____ looked out over the back lawn, watching Bucky bounce around, chasing crickets and grasshoppers. She smiled softly at this, seeing how happy and carefree the small dog was. He even looked healthier, as did Lili who was perched in the window, looking content in the sun. She supposed the one thing about having Kars there was that he took care of the animals. Hell he was actually in the backyard looking over her garden. Yes with a hugely judgmental scowl, but he seemed to take it upon himself to start pulling weeds and righting the cages. She guessed he was just bored though. She guessed all of them were. Her place didn't have a lot of books in it that would interest them, movies and tv shows only went so far, board and card games she didn't want to think about, and video games? she didn't want to have to use the stolen money to constantly buy new controllers. With all this, a crushing reality was on her mind:

Kars and Dio needed blood. 

This not only put her and everyone they could literally force her to go with them to catch, it possibly put her animals in danger. She thought at least. Pushing the theories aside about vampire nature, she focused more on how to accommodate this so no one else got hurt. Of course, this meant she would definitely get hurt, but she had to take one for the team. Two people were already dead because of her (nothing said could ever change that thought) if she could help it, no one else will. 

"Um...Kars," she called out softly, keeping her gaze to the ground even as she felt his red gaze fall on her. 

"What is it now," he grumbled, "I assure you I am doing a better job at this pathetic attempt at a garden than you."

"Ah...," she felt stunned hearing that but continued, "No but there is something else I need help with that will benefit you as well."

Kars raised an eyebrow and walked over towards the human, ignoring the small animal that ran around his feet. Standing in front of her, his curious gaze bore into her, so she continued.

"I'm well aware of you two needing blood," she said plainly, shocking him to say the least, "But I don't know how much you two will need at a minimum to at least keep you sated-"

"You want to offer your blood to us," he smirked, his voice amused, "Without any struggle?"

"If it means keeping other people out of it, then I can do with a few cut marks."

She actually looked at him in the eyes, a determination he never though he would see from the tiny woman. He laughed softly, making her determination wane, thinking he as making fun of her (again). 

"Where do you wish to do this," he said, bending down to stare closer at her, "I assume you don't want to risk one of us touching you? You'll do it yourself?"

"Yes. I just need you nearby in case Dio can't help himself."

"And what makes you think that I wouldn't just attack you at the sight of it," he questioned. 

"I don't," she said firmly, "but you're a better bet having lived this way a lot longer."

Kars nodded once. He held up a hand for her to stay here and walked inside. She nervously waited, supposing here in the sun would be the safest way to make sure Dio wouldn't come out while doing this. Kars quickly returned with two wine glasses, because of course, and a knife. Kira had followed him outside, curious as the tall man had said nothing when questioned. Now he understood as she was handed the knife and the pillar man knelt down ready to catch blood. He felt disgusted and was about to turn away when he saw the unthinkable. She was about to just cut into her palm.

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