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Having the initial thought of more showing up had been terrifying and stressful enough, but it wasn't like she didn't expect after seeing the others show up. Yes, it was based on a technicality in their timeline, she believes at least, but it still proves that more could show up. It was not what she had wanted, though. Housing seven of these villains had bene cramped and difficult enough. Housing more would make it impossible for everyone to have a good place to rest. She rubbed her head as she stood by the front door, considering just making a run for it at this point. The stress returned tenfold, undoing all the accomplishment from the lake visit up to her leaving. Everyone seemed to at least stay quiet, letting her process this, though the air was thick some of them probably recognizing her flight risk at this point. 

Looking up, she assessed the situation once more. Wammu and Esidesi were seated on the ground near Kars, both looking both unconcerned and ready to jump into action at the same time, somehow. The idea of those two showing up had always been to the back of her mind, and she honestly had never thought of it as a bad thing, not with Kars there. It didn't look like Santana was there, though, but she knew it could be a matter of time for that now. As she slowly looked slowly around the area into the kitchen of the open floor plan, she began thinking of other, minor villains, that was in each part of the the show. Diego was already here, but that didn't mean any of the others under Valentine's employ wouldn't show up. She cringed a bit just thinking of who of Dio's party, either part one or three, might be here, but it didn't look like any had shown yet. With Kira, no one worked directly under him, but his father did make other stand users to protect him so maybe by proxy? No, she didn't see anyone there either. Pucci was still standing near Dio, but was alone and anyone from his part would probably stay near since they were pretty sucked into his bullshit. Running down the list, as she looked through everyone, her blood turned cold as she realized that, besides Dio, Diavolo had the most volatile underlings. While she questioned why La Squadra wasn't over here, she realized it was because they weren't really villains, just enemies due to lack of communication in an honestly, somewhat, common goal of taking the boss down. However, seeing the newcomer sitting with him grinning at the table proved one of her worst fears. 

Cioccolata met her eyes with a sick and wicked stare, already sizing her up. She felt glued to the spot and Diavolo was certainly tense, ready for anything at this point. This man was a wild card, a sick and twisted man who even the mafia boss hated calling upon. 

"Fuck," she breathed out again, leaning back into the door, suddenly very exhausted again. 

"Yes," Dio said, "it has become quite crowded in your absence."

She looked over at the blonde vampire with a blank stare, making him chuckle a bit. She guessed she should count herself lucky that Secco wasn't there with him, or there would go her chances of ever feeling safe in the home, not that she did already. 

"Maybe you should come sit down," Valentine motioned to a chair that Kira stood up from in the living room, "There are some things that need discussing I'm sure."

_____ really didn't feel like moving, but knew it was better than standing by the door with her things. She set them to the side and walked over, sitting down with a sigh, leaning on her knees as she rubbed her temples of the migraine already forming. 

"Firstly," Kira started, "How was the trip? Why have you returned so early?"

"It just got to be too much at once," she replied softly, "Plus I missed my pets."

"They are safely in the other room," Kars said, cocking his head slightly, "I'm sure you can hear the dog trying to break through the door."

Sure enough, she heard the small sounds of scratching and soft barks from down the hall, making her smile a little. But she can cuddle them later. 

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