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Hey guys! I meant to put this in the last chapter but totally spaced lol. I'm sorry it takes a bit for some of these chapters to come out. Between taking care of my dad (a full time job) and myself, I get a bit overloaded. Luckily the VA finally approved some respite home care so my plate won't be as full and I can finally get needed rest. I also hit a writer's block on what to do for the next chapter. I continuously thank each and every one of you for your patience and continuing to read. It truly means so much to me, every comment, vote, and view. Just know that I would rather put off a chapter until I know I'm ready to give it my all instead of putting something out I think is lackluster. Thank you <3


A few weeks had passed and she had been healing nicely. Gyro came over at least twice during that time and Valentine had to always be in the room. Once he gave the clear that she wouldn't be opening the stitches anytime soon, she was up and about taking care of herself. Of course, the first thing she did was give some blood so it wasn't as tense with Dio and Kars, but other than that she remained cold towards her house guests. She went with Diego to explain about the accident and the organizers were more than understanding about why he had just not shown up. She had been in the process of making sure each of them got some time out of the house still, but usually remained in the car until they returned. Once things started to settle a bit, she just focused more on keeping herself busy, rather than the full needs they had, or really just wanted.

It was a Saturday morning when she slightly woke to hearing her phone ringing. She drowsily hit the red button as a conversation at 8 AM wasn't what she wanted on the weekend. When this happened about three more times, Dio hissed and finally said something.

"Just answer the damn thing," he grumbled.

Sighing deeply, in annoyance, she sat up and finally took the call not bothering to look at the number.

"Hello," she said, not bothering to hide that she was still in the thralls of sleep.

"Baby," her mom's voice sounded, making her cringe slightly at the overexcitement, "I just got back in town from the business retreat and heard you got hurt! Are you feeling any better? Did they catch the guy who hit you? Did-"

"Mom, mom," she called out, catching Dio's immediate attention as she sat up, "I'm fine now, I get the stitches out next week. Yes the guy is taking full responsibility as he admitted he had been looking at his phone. It's fine, everything's fine."

"Well, I would still like to come see you while I'm still in town and off work. I have been so worried about you!"

______ rolled her eyes at this. If she had been so worried she would have answered any of the calls or texts from various people. Hell, even her older sister and brother-in-law had come from out of town to visit her, albeit out of the house, but still. Leave it to her mother to be too focused on work to let anything interfere until it was convenient to her.

"I can meet you for lunch or something," she offered, rubbing her head in annoyance.

"I was thinking of coming to your house for a visit instead," her mom said, "I want to meet these roommates I've been hearing around about."

A panic started to set in, Dio smirking down at her as he was close enough to hear the other side of the conversation. There was no way she would let her mom meet any more of them. She couldn't have done anything about Kira, but the rest?

"Sorry mom. They all work today and one is out of town on business."

"Well I can still come over anyways. I'll be there at 1. Love you!"

Despite trying to protest, the woman had already hung up. Looking at the time she cursed and darted out of bed and ran into the kitchen yelling to wake everyone up. Very grouchy men sauntered into the living room seeing her already grabbing things of theirs to hide in the garage.

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