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Super sorry about the long hiatus a lot has been going on! I swear I have not forgotten this story XD


"I still don't understand how you were able to contact him."

"Why worry the details? Just go change he said he would meet us there."

_____ stared up at the grinning, blonde vampire staring at him with every level of distrust he deserved. Somehow Dio had gotten into contact with Jonathan. Somehow they both planned an outing with wine tasting and an opera. Somehow the entire world wasn't destroyed in planning this. At the look on her face he chuckled in amusement.

"I thought you would be more pleased," he said with a grin, "Everyone has been getting along so wonderfully from what I hear, why shouldn't I relax a bit around old foes as well. I spent years pretending to be a good brother to him. I can do it again for one night."

"....I hate that I know you're right," she sighed in defeat, "But what I don't understand is why?"

"Well I can't go out without you. While I despise it, I know Jonathan would follow anyways. I just cut out the middle man so all three of us can just enjoy ourselves openly. He can 'protect' you, you get to finally see an opera, and I get to go out of the house."

Once more, she stared at him. This was all...uncharacteristic for him to think this way. In a way, he is getting something out of it, but she just knew he had something else planned. Dio Brando doesn't just do considerate things for no gain. However, at his pointing to her closet with that stupid smug smirk of his, she knew she couldn't say no or even protest. Walking to the closet, she figured out just how long he had been planning this. Inside was a floor length satin dress, a brilliant gold color. It looked very expensive, but she could only guess the wine tasting and opera were high scale as well.

Suddenly, she felt two large, cold hands encase her shoulders feeling him lean down to talk into her ear. A chill ran down her back, her entire body tense immediately at the contact.

"Pucci will aid you with your hair and make up," he whispered, "I want you to just relax and not worry about a thing today."


Relaxing was not an option for the woman. The priest was highly tense as well and barely said a word to her sometimes not even realizing how rough he was being with her hair. She was just glad she wasn't tender headed or she would be in a lot of pain right now. Every attempt at a conversation was just met with his quiet counting of prime numbers. Meanwhile, Dio just sat on the bed already dressed in a suit he had apparently purchased, accents matching her dress, just smirking as he watched.

"Okay," Pucci finally said, "I'm done."

The man leaned up and stepped back as she stood up for the reveal, his stare stony. He said nothing more and left the room, making the vampire chuckle.

"I've never seen him act like this," he admitted, "Wonder what is on his mind."

"Maybe this isn't a good idea," she said softly.

"Of course it is," he raised his hands, "It was my idea after all. I don't know what dear Pucci is thinking, but I can assure you that he wouldn't do anything rash. It's not in his nature. Now come. I don't want to be late."

On the way out, she couldn't help but hide in herself. Dio, though, was super smug, gloating quietly it looked like. Diego grew claws that dug into the kitchen table, Valentine had a scowl on his face, Pucci and Diavolo wouldn't even look their way, Kira was biting at his thumb. The only one who looked calm was Kars, who just waved the two off not even looking up from a book he was reading. She couldn't even begin to think about the reasoning for such reactions.

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