Dream Logs: 3/25/23 - 3/31/23

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I was at some place that reminded me of my workplace with my family. My 2 cousins, my grandparents, and my dad were all with me. A gun suddenly popped into existence as I heard someone say something along the lines of "if you had the choice." For some reason, I proceeded to shoot my grandfather and youngest cousin. Afterwards I started feeling so bad; the type where you have a soul deep dread as I realized that I just murdered 2 people, let alone 2 family members.

I was at this place that I had taken a bus there. There are a few others and we're all laughing and smiling away. The place was a meat factory I think? A canning one with little machinery needed? As we step in I saw 3 machines right off the bat. A man was doing maintenance on them, though he didn't look qualified. He looked less of a factory worker/ mechanic and more of a washed up lawyer. Didn't help he decided that one of the girls, who looked like a small anthropomorphic hippo, would help him out. He tosses her through the first two machines and unclogs them from meat; she's having a blast. She doesn't care that she's covered in meat; she got tossed in the air as though she's a child. The 3 one had a chute underneath and a sign... a sign about the grinder. By the time I noticed, the man already threw her in. What made the whole thing worse in my opinion was you didn't hear it right away, so everyone in our group, including the hippo girl's equally hippo looking sister, were wondering where he was and why she stopped laughing. I did gesture to the sign and I think the man had his 'oh shit' moment. Then a sound started; I was too scared to really listen to it. So I woke up.

I was semi raised with a dragon. I knew I wasn't one because I had a lady work as a mom. She wanted me to be out and about with people. The dragon hesitated when he let me go; I sorta dashed out leaving the poor mom behind. Unfortunately the town seem to be filled with rude a-holes it seem. The only nice person was a young girl who thought I was funny. I beat some kid black and blue because he went through my bag without permission. He ran away crying while my "mom" finally caught up to me. She started lecturing about how I shouldn't be trusting people so easily... so I had a few people, including her, tied up. She talked to me, and I untied them one by one mainly based on whether I thought they were a good person. Everyone was untied, and I had helped mom up. She had a cane. Also I felt like I was Wally Darling in terms of being different.

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