Dream Logs: 4/10/23 - 4/21/23

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Author's Note: Up to 4 dreams instead of 3; will try to keep up with this but no promises

I was going around this town with a group known as the Tele-Pirates. We were a mobile business, all of us packed into our orange food truck. Though we didn't sell food; it was more attraction based. We had 3 other rivals that probably did the same thing. I nearly get smothered by a giant woman who went on about how I was her's romantically speaking. She was telling the world about how we met, but I was focused on some rare small possum.

I was with some girl out in the middle of nowhere. Out here was a nice house, but the driveway continued past them. It showed 2 other houses; the last one was abandoned looking. We had walked towards this house and I was starting to get nervous of it. Every time I saw the house in my peripheral, I saw openings into the darkness within. I don't remember why we were there, but I going inside with this girl. Now, it looked abandoned on the outside with dark, rotting woods, but the inside had a drastic difference in it. It looked like a normal, functioning house. I saw ghosts of what I assumed is the family, and everyone wanted me to stay. The father tired to embrace me; I saw this as a way for him to keep me here. He killed everyone here after all, though I think it was through drugs. Regardless I booked it out of there, only to find I had to go back there for the girl. The ghost family tried again, but I left with the girl.

I was running around helping people. I was trying to stop a war between these two kingdoms. While watching 2 girls being taught magic, they both turned into sea otters. Luckily, by sheer luck, war was never waged. But I did have the awkward moment of walking with a buddy to discover his wife being intimate with another man. He didn't seemed bothered by it.

At first, I was in a dark place as a woman. I had been kidnapped and the man was going to kill me. He had some unsavory ideas and I wasn't going to be a part in that. Luckily I was outside, back to normal, when it started pouring down rain. I walked around when I realized that I was near my childhood home. There was a family living there, but it wasn't exactly mine. Then I'm in some school cafeteria, watching as a small friend was getting kicked. He wasn't the only one, but I had dusted him off as the bullies walked off. I had changed looks. I was a sporting some black hair and some heavy bags under my eyes. I wore a pair of light blue, plaid shorts/ sleep boxers with a black shirt. I did find some joy in beating people in Mario Kart. I was outrunning blue shells as Princess Daisy on a bike. The map looked familiar like it was autumn-y but a different time of day.

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