Authors Note

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Hi, it's been a while. I've missed you, and selfishly, I hope you missed me too. I don't like being vulnerable, but I started this book in a very vulnerable part of my life and I'm coming back to it months later to cope. Because that's what this is for me, a coping mechanism. To write, to make my characters come to life, to share it with you and talk with all of you... I don't want to get sappy but it truly saved me in a way no doctor or pill could save me. I'm crying writing this, and maybe you think it's not that serious, and you're probably right. This is just another book you'll put on your shelf and forget about, but for me, it's not. It's something I don't think I'll ever forget.

And I know some of you will hate me for the ending, or think that you wasted your time with this book, or that it wasn't even sad. All I have to say to that is although it kills me to end this book, to kill these characters that were like skin and bones to me---if I gave people the ending they wanted, they wouldn't remember it. And I'm just scared of being forgotten.

Plus, I like to think of this as an open ending. Like their story is not yet finished. After all, Jane did everything to ensure they'd end up together in the next life.

Anyways, I love you like Henry loves Jane, and like they always do, I hope we'll meet again soon.

(ps, and can message me on Instagram @/alinaslibraryy. whether it's related to the ending of this book or not, I've always been told I've been a good listener and I'm always willing to be friends)

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