Chapter 7

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Mother returned to her normal state prior to her marriage to James Fraser; it was as if that chapter of her life had never occurred. What we thought had softened her had only returned her to her hard ways. It's strange how normal it felt for it to be "just the three of us" again. Jamie at least made good on his promise. With his monthly letters he sent us gifts from the city. I received dresses, hair ribbons, and books. Joan, being still a wee girl, received dolls and toys far nicer than the ones we had made ourselves as girls to play with.

I did miss having him around the house. Evenings were passed quietly with each of us attending to our own tasks. To help my mother, I learned how to butcher the animals we received from local hunters in exchange for wool, and slaughter the livestock that would see us through the winter. It was difficult work, but in a way I felt proud of taking on the responsibilities that a "man of the house" would normally carry.

Months passed with hardly a word about Jamie being uttered, until one day Ma announced that we would be going to Lallybroch for the next Murray wedding. Joanie was thrilled because she knew that meant Daddy would be there as well. I was anxious to leave. We packed our trunk and hoisted it into the wagon ourselves. Every mile that the horses carried us made the nervous feeling in my stomach grow. Finally, the familiar lean of Lallybroch's tower came into sight, and we passed under the welcoming archway. "Fergus!" Joan screamed and jumped from the bench before the horses came to a full stop. Fergus stooped down and gave her a brief hug, then greeted my mother with a polite hello that was not returned. Ma and Joan went inside to greet Auntie Jenny. He turned to me and shifted his weight from one foot to another uncomfortably.

"You certainly smell better than the last time I saw ye. How is Edinburgh?" The stiffness in his shoulders loosened in relief, our awkward moment of reunion having passed.

"Excellent. Your father has set up a printing press and I help him. Don't tell your mother about this, but I have been helping your father with some side business as well," he winked and grinned as if awaiting further questions, but I had no idea what "side business" could have meant so I smiled back and nodded politely. "You will have to come visit with your sister sometime. She would love the city. There is a French baker very close to where we live, of course it is not as good as a real Parisian bakery."

"I am sure. And Jamie is happy there?"

"Oui. A man has to have a sense of purpose, and he has that in the printing press."

"Mhmm. I see we were not purpose enough for him." Fergus shrugged and turned to look at some of the Murray siblings that approached us. Young Jamie and his very pregnant wife, Michael and his wife, and the new bride to be, Katherine Murray. I expressed a hearty congratulations on her impending marriage.

"Oh, thank ye. Ma does not approve of it though."

"Oh. To who are ye getting married?"

"Séamus Mackenzie. Da arranged it, seein' as it would be a smart match. Ma was furious with him. I like him though, he is very polite, and kind."

"Oh!" I could hardly keep from laughing. "I'm sure," this should be an interesting wedding. Unfortunately for me, this meant Seònaid was likely here as well.

Da was, of course, out in the stables with Uncle Ian discussing the planting, the horses, the house repairs, and so many other things only old men find interesting.

"Uncle Ian," I said hesitantly, wanting to avoid interacting with Jamie for as long as possible. Ian hugged me awkwardly with one hand, as the other hand was holding his walking stick. Jamie seemed to pick up on my intentions of greeting Ian first.

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