Chapter 18

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Late morning sunlight poured in through the window. I could tell it was already hot outside by the warm breeze wafting through our open windows. "Good morning," Fergus greeted me with a kiss.

"Hm. Feeling better this morning?"

"Non. But any morning with you is a good morning." I slowly emerged from the cool sheets and prepared for the day. I knew Fergus would be eager to leave as soon as I had my shoes on. "They did not return last night. Their room is as we left it."

"Jamie didna return?"

"Non. Neither. I walked around before you awoke, and some men talked of trouble on the other side of the island last night by the Abernathy residence."

"Abernathy? Never heard of them. Do ye want to go there first?"

"Mhmm." He tugged his boots on with some effort. I knelt down to help with the laces. When I stood, his hands sought out my waist and pulled me onto his lap. "You wrote your mother last night?"

"Yes." He kissed me on the neck and rested his chin on my shoulder.

"Are you regretting coming here."

"Fergus Fraser? Ye had me running across all of Jamaica last night. If I didna want to be here, I wouldna have gone along with you. I would have stayed at the ball and found another man to wed."

"Ha ha ha, you're so funny," he stuck his tongue out at me. Then his ears perked up like a dog.

"Milady!" He nearly dumped me onto the floor in his haste to follow Claire's voice downstairs. "Milord!" I finished dressing and joined the happy reunion taking place.

"Ian!" I flung my arms around my cousin and shook him to make sure he was real. What in the Lord's name happened to ye?"

"It's a long story, cousin." Jamie clapped a hand on Ian's shoulder and steered him towards the stairs.

"The boy needs rest now."

"And a shot of penicillin," Claire followed the pair up the stairs as if she were on a mission. I looked at Fergus quizzically and he shrugged, looking just as bewildered as I was.

"Where did ye go last night?" Claire turned around and filled us in on the events of the night before. She recounted the story of the witch, Geillis Duncan, who I had heard stories of as a young girl. She explained how she had escaped her execution and moved here to Jamaica. Geillis had kidnapped Ian for stealing the jewels Daddy had sent him to the island to fetch what seems like ages ago.

"What happened to her?"

"Dead. I killed the bitch," Claire muttered coldly.

I gasped and did not ask any further questions, which allowed her to rejoin her husband and nephew upstairs. Fergus was awe-struck. I could hardly get him to quiet down long enough to order some lunch for the two of us. He was inventing details to add to Claire's story with each retelling, as if I had not been there when she told us herself.

"Dinna get any ideas, I willna kill anyone for ye."

"Aye, sure you would. If it came down to it."

"If ye get yerself in the position to be killed in front of me, I'll kill ye myself."

"Fair enough, ma cherie. I better find some honest work when we return to Scotland then."

"Ye think we will really return to Scotland now?"

"Of course, where else would we go? I am not staying in Jamaica, it is too damn hot." I felt thrilled at the idea of seeing Joanie again, and Ma. I hoped she would accept Fergus and I.

"We leave tomorrow once the lad is rested," we turned to see Jamie had come back downstairs. "My wife has taken to sticking needles in Young Ian's arse, I dinna want to stay around to see it. She did that to me once after your mother shot me. Says it cures disease." I scowled at the idea of a needle being stuck into me, and at the memory of Ma shooting Jamie.

"Ye've an interesting woman, Daddy."

"Aye, I ken that well. I'm sorry you two havena had the best start to your marriage. Are ye sure you dinna want to stay here for a while?"

Fergus and I exchanged a glance. "Where you go, I go, Milord." I nodded in agreement.

"It would be nice to see Ma and Joan again," my voice nearly broke at the thought of how big Joanie would be by the time we returned. It had been months since I had last seen her.

"Aye, I miss yer wee sister too. Fergus, a word?" I continued to pick at my plate while Da pulled Fergus aside for a quiet word. All these secrets were driving me mad. He returned gleefully a moment later and told me to eat quickly.

"I have another surprise."

"Can I finish my food first, Fergus Fraser? From one thing to the next with ye." He bent over his own plate and scarfed down his food. Sensing that he would not be at ease until we left, I ate the rest as quickly as I could lift the fork to my mouth.

Back in the carriage. The wheels rattled along a rocky road leading north out of the city. Fergus chatted happily and pointed out the beautiful sights at each turn. It truly was beautiful. It was a shame we would be leaving so quickly, but I would be happy to be back on Scottish soil. Perhaps we could go to Paris after we return, but right now that seemed worlds away. The carriage stopped at an opening in the tree line. A path led deeper into the forest, with no end in sight. "Where have ye taken me?"

"You'll see," Fergus trotted along, dragging me behind him. I couldn't help but grow excited for this surprise he had in store for me. I thought I could hear flowing water in the distance. "No peeking," he said, flinging his hand over my eyes. He steered me clumsily down the rest of the path. When he finally let me go, I could see why he was so excited. There was a stunning blue pool in front of us, with crystal clear water flowing into it from a high waterfall.

"Fergus," I exclaimed, "How did you hear about this?"

"Lord John Grey told Milord about it. He suggested he take Claire here, but with finding Ian they were preoccupied. Milord suggested I take you here instead."

"It's like nothing I've ever seen before." I had seen fairy pools in Scotland, and waterfalls, but the frigid water was nowhere near as inviting as this was. Fergus began to strip off his clothing, strewing them across fallen branches. I did the same. Fergus began to move towards me with his arms outstretched menacingly. "Dinna push me in!" I screamed and ran out of his way, straight towards the water. I jumped in and let the water go over my head for a moment before I stood up. Fergus splashed in behind me and dove gracefully under the water. He did a backstroke towards the waterfall and let the water flow over his head, wetting his hair back.

"Come to me," he waved me over. I tried to mimic his effortless strokes, but felt myself sinking. "Use your legs, like this," he swam circles around me, resembling a frog. I kicked and paddled as hard as I could, but did not move through the water. He grabbed me around the waist and lifted my body so that it was horizontal on the water. "Try this." I did begin to propel myself forward. Fergus kept a hand under me, and then eventually let go once I began to move as fluidly as he was.

I reached the waterfall and felt the cool water pour down onto my chest. Fergus clung to a rock with his hand and held my body close to his with his other arm. "I love you, Marsali."

"I love you too," we kissed... and a little more. When the sun began to dip below the trees, we made our way to the edge of the pool to dry off.

"This is not the Seine... but it's nice."

"Arrogant, aren't ye?"

"A bit. Can you blame me though?" He kicked at the water lazily. "I wish I could take you places like this forever."

"I think this is a pretty good start." I was sad to be leaving, and I realized I felt torn between two worlds-- wanting to return to Scotland, and wanting to continue this adventure with Fergus. As long as he was by my side though, I knew I would be at home.

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