Chapter 10

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As could be expected, our return to Balriggan was tumultuous and full of surprises. Da had bought several new dresses for Joan and me in Edinburgh, necessitating a new trunk. Before it was set fully on the ground outside of the house, Ma came around the corner and lunged at Fergus. He shouted at her in French and backpedaled madly away from her against the garden wall.

"What the devil have you done?" I panicked, thinking she must have known in her soul what we had done the night before. "You leave your whore and your bastard here with me while I entrust my daughter to you? And you," she scowled, turning to Da. "Did you know about this?" I scanned the house for Joan, only to find Seònaid sulking against the door, with a bairn to her breast. My stomach lurched. This could not be, I had only seen her months ago at young Janet's wedding. I calculated the timing in my head and realized with horror that it was correct.

"Fergus, is there any truth to this?"

"Non, Milord, I swear it. I do not know what she is talking about!" Fergus backed away from Ma and Seònaid, but Da held him from escaping out the door. "Well, I do not think so..."

I ran into the house with a hand to my mouth, fearing I might eject my breakfast.

"Marsali!" Da called after me. A few mintutes later he found me sitting on the garden bench. I sobbed into his arms as he rubbed me back. "What's come over ye? I'm sure there is an explanation. Fergus will be fine, yer mother wouldna shoot anyone."

"I saw them... I saw them at the Murrays." Jamie nodded and tapped his left hand against his leg.

"Aye? Well, I'll sort this out. Dinna fash. Is seeing yer wee friend what upset ye?"

"I dinna ken, I have been so angry at Seònaid ever since... I hate her, Da. She doesna love him. She doesna love Fergus." I choked back my sobs and buried my head into Da's shoulder.

"Dinna fash. Fergus will make this right, he is a man of honor. Dinna say another word about it, lest your mother hears." A blend of Gaelic, French, and English curses streamed through the open window. "I better go settle them." I had never heard Fergus yelling the way he was, but I could now easily picture the boy that lost his hand taunting Redcoats in the forest.

"Milord! We need to leave. Please take me away," Fergus came through the door panting, probably from dodging Ma's blows. A red mark had appeared just under his left eye.

"No, we need to get to the bottom of this. Did ye see the bairn?"

"Oui. It is not mine, I swear it. That girl and I did nothing together."

"You swear it before God?"

"Yes, yes! I swear it before God." The bairn began to cry, adding to the cacophony. Fergus made a desperate show of crossing himself multiple times in rapid succession. "Can we leave now?"

"Two weeks of this, James Fraser. Two weeks since she came to my door with a bairn, searching for Fergus. I told ye Fergus would bring nothing but trouble. How could he know better, raised by whores to become one himself." At that, Daddy grew so angry, his face matched the color of his hair.

"Enough, Laoghaire!" We all jumped back at the sound of his voice, but he soon composed himself. "The lad says it isna his. You, lass, what is the meaning of this? Why have you made these claims against him?"

"I... I dinna ken. Please, do not send me away. My father has already told me to never return home, I dinna ken where to go," Seònaid began to cry in earnest now.

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