Icky: YamaYama

419 6 0

Cg: Kags
Little: Yams (age range is between 2-5)

Saturday, 4:15 AM
Kageyama was woken up with loud whining and someone shaking him.
"Ugh, Tadashi, what time is it?" he groaned.
"Papa, feel icky!" the smaller boy whined.
He sat up and turned to the little. "You feel icky Baby?"

He nodded and whined.
The room was illuminated by a small night light and it was pretty obvious that something was wrong with him.
"Can you tell me how old you are right now?" Kageyama asked softly.
He held up 3 fingers.

"You're really little aren't you? Can you tell me what feels icky?"
"Jus' feel weally icky!"
Kageyama put his hand against his forehead. "You definitely feel warm, I'll be right back okay?"
"Noooooo, wan' cuddles!" Tadashi clung to him.

Kageyama kissed his head. "I promise I'll give you cuddles in a little bit, but I'm gonna get some things for you okay?"
He let go and fell against the pillows, pouting and picking at his hoodie, biting the hood a little bit.

Kageyama came back into the room with the thermometer, water, and some meds and sat back down next to him. "I'm gonna take your temperature okay?"
He got a sound of approval before putting the thermometer in his boyfriend's ear. (why doesn't anyone talk about those ear thermometers, that's the one I have)
It beeped and he took it out of his ear. "Okay, 100.2 (37.8 C). So not too high, but we'll keep an eye on it."

Tadashi made grabby hands. "Can I has cuddles now?"
Kageyama kissed his nose. "I need you to take some medicine first please, then you can get cuddles."
The little pouted. "Uh uh! Is yucky!"
"Please? It's not the gross liquid stuff, I just need you to swallow a pill for me."

"Otay... pwomise ta give cuddles after?"
"I promise."
He nodded and Kageyama held out water and a pill for him, he begrudgingly took it and swallowed with some difficulty, gagging a little bit and starting to cry.
"Awwww, come here Baby, you really don't feel good do you?"

Yams shook his head and cuddled into his papa. "Uh uh. Evewything feels icky and tummy feels yucky. Don't like it Papa!"
Kageyama stroked his hair. "It's okay, I know you feel really icky, Papa's right here though, I'm not going anywhere."
He just kept crying. "I don' like being yucky!"

"Shhhhh, shhhhh, shhhhh, I got you, I know it's not fun being yucky, I know it hurts Bubba."
Kageyama was internally panicking, he felt bad for his little. He didn't like that he felt so bad. "How bad does your tummy feel? Does your tummy feel like you're gonna throw up?"
"I don' know!" the little yelled, getting overwhelmed. "Feels weally bad and feel like gonna thow up but I don' weally think I's gonna."

"You poor baby, I'm sorry you feel so yucky."
The boy sneezed, whining loudly.
"Baby, hey, I need you to calm down for me. Can you take a deep breath with me?"
He nodded slightly.

"Okay, breathe in.................... and breathe out, can you do that again with me. Again breathe in.................... and out. One more time okay? In.................... and out. There we go Baby, did that help any"
He nodded. "Yuh huh... fank you Papa..." the boy muttered, half asleep now.

"Let's go back to sleep, it's really early and you need some rest."
"I sowwy fo waking you up Papa..."
"Aww, it's okay, I'm glad you did, you clearly really don't feel good."
He whined.
"I know Baby, I know you're in a lot of pain right now, do you want some tummy rubs?"

He nodded slightly.
"Okay" he gently rearranged their position and rubbed his stomach.
"Fank you Papa..."
"Of course Baby, go to sleep, I'll be right here."

The baby hid his face in his Papa's jacket and his breathing eventually softened, signaling that the poor boy finally fell asleep.

Words: 664

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