Sad: Shiratorizawa

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This was requested by maximoff216
Cg: Shiratorizawa team (mostly Semi)
Little: Goshiki (little ages 2-4)
I'm gonna try my best, sorry if it isn't that great😅
Also I'mma add some little Shirabu because I feel like he would be little too and they would be friends in little space

After the Karasuno match
They just got back to the school after the match.
Goshiki was clearly upset and clearly slipping, but anytime he was asked about it he just said he was fine.

Sure they knew he was a little but he was still scared about regressing in front of them. It only happened once before in front of Shirabu and it was fine but it still felt awkward.

He knew he was slipping and he was feeling like if something went wrong he definitely would slip. He felt like his voice was going away and he wanted to curl up with his stuffed animal and his paci and watch Star. (Star vs the Forces of Evil. Something tells me he would like it when he's small. Idk.)

"Hey, u-uh. I'm gonna go to the bathroom." He tugged on Semi's jacket a little to get his attention. His voice was quiet and barely audible, but Semi still heard him.
"Okay." Semi turned around and nodded.

Once getting acknowledgement the first year walked away to go to the bathroom.
He didn't actually have to pee. He just needed a second to try and collect himself.
He just has to wait until he gets home. Then he can curl up in his room with his stuffie and his blankie and his paci and watch Star on his phone.

He tried to take a few deep breaths and ground himself but it just made him slip further.
He sat down under the counter and curled into a ball, some slight sobs escaping his throat.

He sat there for a few minutes before he heard the bathroom door and he curled into himself, trying to be more quiet.

"Hey, Goshiki, are you okay in here?" Semi asked. He looked around for him and then saw him under the counter and kneeled to be on his level. "Hey, are you okay?"
The little shook his head.
"What's wrong. Are you feeling small?"
He nodded a little.
"How old are you feeling?"
He held up 4 fingers before slowly putting one down.
"So you feel 3?"
He nodded again.
"What's wrong bud?"

He stuttered a little trying to form the words but he eventually got one out. "Sad..."
"Are you sad that we lost?"
He nodded shyly.

"Semi~ Semi~, why are you taking so long? Can you come get Shirabu, he slipped and he wants you." Tendou walked into the room.

"Goshiki slipped too. He's upset that we lost."
"So is Shirabu."
"Okay. I'll be there in a second."

Tendou left and Semi turned his attention back to the little. "Hey, do you wanna play with Shira?"
He nodded.
"Okay. Come on." He held his hand out for Goshiki and left the bathroom.

Shirabu was sitting with Tendou and Ushiwaka. Taichi and Hayato were sitting near them. Not really saying that much but just there.

Semi sat down with Goshiki and Shirabu hugged his little friend. Both of them were very clingy with each other when little. Even if they weren't really friends otherwise.

"Oh my god you're so adorable." Tendou squealed.
"Nuh uh!" Shirabu whined.

Goshiki just hid and cuddled into Shirabu, obviously embarrassed. Shirabu sent Tendou a glare, even if wasn't really threatening because because he couldn't really put much heat behind his glares when he was little, and hugged Goshiki, the 2 of them cuddling each other.

Ushijima gave both of them headpats. He wasn't good with comfort or helping when either Shirabu or Goshiki regress, but he knows they like headpats. So he gives them.
Tendou squeals again.

"Shudduppppp. You'we too loud!" Shirabu whines.
Semi chuckles. "Shira, he just thinks you and Goshiki are cute."
"Kiki's cute. Not me." He pouts
Goshiki looks at him. "You awe cute."
"Nuh uh!"
"Yuh huh!"

"Hey, calm down you 2. No bickering." Semi interrupted the back and forth between the two.
"Daddyyyyyyy!" Shirabu whined.
Goshiki pouted. "Meanie."

He boops both of them and ruffles their hair. "You're both cute. You're both amazing. I'm proud of you both."
Shirabu goes and cuddles into Semi. Goshiki curls up with Tendou. The red head casually dies from cuteness and Ushiwaka smiled because they were both cute.

Hayato may or may not have been taking pictures.

Okay, that's the end of this.
To the one who requested this, I hope it's what you were hoping for

Words: 782

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