Annoying: TsukiYama

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I keep listening to the video over and over. Also someone please tell me I'm not the only one who knows I need to eat more salt but sucks at doing so because I'm really specific with food textures
But here's for my fellow little POTSie's.
I got really frustrated earlier since I had to lay down while I was drawing.
I don't know why but I could see Tsukki having POTS
Sorry if this is bad. It's almost 2 AM and. I feel absolutely awful.
Cg: Tadashi
Little: Tsukki

Saturday, 2:30 PM
Tsukishima was sitting on the bedroom floor and coloring and Tadashi was watching while sitting next to him. He got a new coloring book about dinosaurs (my favorite coloring book is 'Dinosaurs with Jobs' it's amazing) and he was coloring in it.
His head hurt from sitting up though. But he really wants to draw. He leaned into Tadashi a little bit and kept drawing.

The green haired wrapped an arm around him. "Hey Sunshine, you okay? You tired?"
He shook his head, still focusing on his drawing. His hands were shaking a little bit.
"Sunshine. Is something wrong?"
The little muttered something.
"What was that?"

"Head kin'a huwts..." He muttered again. He knew that his Papa would probably make him lay down. But he wanted to keep drawing.

"Do you need to lay down?"
He shook his head.

"Uh uh. Wanna dwaw."
He does need to lay down. He does know that. But he wants to draw.


"Jus' wanna dwaw. Don' wanna lay down." He looked down.
His head hurt and he was really shaky and he was tired. He knows he has to lay down but he really really wants to draw.

"I know Sunshine. But you need to lay down. We can draw more later. How about we take a nap?"

He pouted. "Bu' don' wanna..."

Tadashi kissed his head. "Please? For Papa?"
He pouted again but put down his marker.
"Thank you. I'll clean up and then we'll lay down okay?"

"Otay..." He curled into a ball and rested his head on his knees. He didn't really feel good. He wanted to draw but he just didn't feel good.
Tadashi rubbed his back and picked up the markers and the coloring book and putting them down on the desk.

"Okay. Come on Sunshine." He picked him up and sat down on the bed, just sitting there and hugging for a minute. "You don't feel good do you Sunshine?"
He shook his head.
"I know."

"Don' wike it Papa. Jus' wanna dwaw. It's dumb."

"Awwww. I know Sunshine. How about we take a nap?"
The little pouted but still crawled over to the pillows and laid down, making grabby arms, signaling he wanted cuddles.
Tadashi smiled and cuddled up with him, holding him.
"Is this good Sunshine?"

"Hmph." He hid his face in his caregiver's hoodie.

"I know you're frustrated Sunshine. It's okay. We'll take a nap and we can draw more later."
He pouted again and just cuddled more. He's already falling asleep.
"Awwww. You're really tired aren't you?"


"I love you Sunshine."

"I wuv you too Papa..." His voice was muffled by his Papa's hoodie and it was slurred with sleep.

"Goodnight Sunshine. Sleep well."

Okay. Sorry if this is bad. I'm kinda slipping and I'm really sleepy.
Just wanted to write this cuz I'm still frustrated because I don't feel good but I really wanna draw but I can't

Words: 583

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