Chapter 7: You guys have slept together before?

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"You two have slept together before?!"


There is an uproar at Seungmin's relevation about him and Jisung.

"Yeah? We had been fucking since high school"

"Are youse together?"

"No, we're just friends with benefits"

Wooyoung looks at Jeongin and Felix, "Did you guys know?"

Jeongin makes a face, "Yes. I walked in on them. Seungmin was fucking Jisung against the breakfast bar. When that happened I found out the reason why that one time Jisung wore a skirt and nothing under"

"God, I feel sorry that you had to see that"

"Yeah, I feel sorry for myself"

The meeting goes back to normal and continues on for another half an hour.

During the next couple of days, Jisung didn't go to music class as he is still trying to wrap his head around the idea that he got fucked by his teacher and that it felt so good.

But after a week or so, he decides to go to class.

Mr Lee sees him as he walks into the class, "Nice to see you again, Jisung"

"Yeah, sorry sir. I had to go to work"

"That's alright, just let me know in advance, alright?"

"Of course", He then remembers about the notes, "Oh, um, sir?"


Jisung walks over to him and puts his high school drama experince to use, "Someone was waiting for you outside the music building and wanted me to give this you"

He hands over the note and Mr Lee reads it.

You can come to the club tonight. Sorry for the past week.

"Are you alright sir?"

"Yes, sorry. Um, did you see the person who gave this to you?"

"Yes, um, a short and really pretty man. He spoke very smoothly if you know what I mean, like he knew what he was saying and was focused on one thing"

"Ok, thank you Jisung"

Jisung nods and goes to his seat. Seungmin whispers to him, "Did you give him the note?"

"Yeah", Jisung sighs and leans against Seungmin, who pats his head. Jeongin pats his back.

Throughout the class, Mr Lee was more upbeat and was in a good mood.

Jeongin whispers over to Jisung and Seungmin, "Guess that note lifted his spirits"

Jisung smiles, "Yeah, I guess so"

Seungmin says lowly, just Jisung and Jeongin can hear, "Well, either way, you're going have to get ready for tonight. Its been how long since that night?"

"8 days, why?"

Jeongin then continues, "So how much sexual fustration do you think has been pented up in that 5'8 man?"

"I mean, he could be getting it somewhere else"

Seungmin looks at Jisung, "Do you really think that?"

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