Chapter 11

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"We made it." Brian sighed, smiling through his drowsiness.

"Dad? No, don't go to sleep on me." Will leaned over and shook his father's shoulder. "Dad you need to stay awake."

"Will, what's happening?" Joey looked on, fearful.

"I think it's his hand wounds, they're not healing properly."

"Anything I can do?" asked Nikki.

"Just talk to him. Say anything, but don't let him fall asleep." Will instructed, restarting the jeep.

"What are you doing?" wondered Joey.

"I'm getting us out of here." said Will. "This is Bandit and Straggler territory."

"But Dad said..."

"Joey, I don't care what Dad said. He's delirious, he's not well. We have to find a medical facility where he can be treated properly."

Will tried reversing the vehicle. The problem was, he had been taught how to drive forwards, not backwards.

He pulled the gear-stick towards him.

The wheels squealed in protest and lurched the jeep straight into the sign, which toppled over and landed on the windscreen. Panicking, he tried again, but the wheels just spun round and round.

"Fucking hell!"

Will got out to inspect the damage. The jeep was sinking into a muddy ditch, with the road sign lying halfway across the bonnet.

Nikki emerged from the back. "Well this doesn't look good."

"You think?" Will snapped.

"Anything I can do to help?"

"Get back in the car, look after Joey. I've got to get it back on its feet." Will bent down and picked up the floor board. He lifted it until the sweat dripped on his forehead and under his armpits. He groaned, he grunted, but he wasn't strong enough to pull it free.

"Here, let me try." Nikki joined him, grasping another part of the jeep.

"So Nikki, is that even your name?" Will wheezed with the effort.

"It is in a way. It's the name I chose for myself for better life in this country."

"What's your real one then? You might as well tell me 'cause I'm not sure if we'll make it through tonight."

"It's Nikola. Nikola Gonzalez. My parents were Ramiro and Joana and I had two older brothers, Beningno and Diego."

"I already know your life story." panted Will. "Look! We're almost there!"

Like pulling the plug from a bath, the front half of the jeep was finally free. Will and Nikki hauled and dragged it back onto the road. They set it down with a clang and a clatter and leaned against the side, exhausted.

They looked at each other and smiled.

"Thanks," said Will.

"It was a team effort." Nikki replied.

"Hey, and for what it's worth, I'm sorry the way I treated you. I misjudged you. I didn't realise how much you'd suffered. Friends?"

He held out his hand. Nikki took it.


"Will!" Joey shouted urgently from the back.

"What is it?"

"It's Dad!"

Brian's neck was arched against the headrest. He was making gargling, gagging noises, his mouth opening wide.

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