Chapter 14

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Sara McCormick shook her head.
"Brian, you idiot, what're you doing here?"
Brian was too shocked to speak. 
"Mum?" cried Will. 
"Is that you, Will?" Sara broke into a beaming smile when she saw him.
"MUM!" He crawled to her as she opened her arms. Sara held her eldest son tightly, as though she couldn't bear to let him go.
Will closed his eyes, praying this was a dream he wouldn't wake up from. He could smell the shampoo she wore before the Rioting, feel the tickle of her blonde hair as they hugged.
"I thought I'd never see you again." For once, Will didn't care there were tears spurting in his eyes. "I thought...I thought..."
"I know, son, I know." Sara shushed him as she held him, the way she used to when he was small. "My boys..."
Then she stopped. "Wait a minute, where's Joey?"
It was then Brian remembered his other son. "Sara, something's wrong with him. I think he's in a coma of some kind. I've tried rousing him and everything but nothing's worked."
Sara took a look at their young son. "Do you know what was administered?"
"No, we were too busy running for our lives from the Liberation Army base."
Sara stared at him. "Did you say 'Liberation Army'?"
"Yes, why?"
Sara thumped his shoulder. "Damn it, Brian, now you've put us all in jeopardy."
"What the hell is the matter with you?" Brian rubbed his shoulder. "What's happened to you, Sara?"
"A lot, Brian, a lot."
"Where's Ashlene, Sara? Where's our daughter?"
"She's safe, she's with some friends of mine. We've been watching the Liberation Army for months."
"You've been watching them all this time? Why didn't you tell me?" cried Brian. "I've been worried sick about the pair of you since we were separated. Three years, Sara!"
"I know, Brian, and I'm sorry." Sara patted his knee. "But there'll be time for explanations later. Ripley's soldiers'll have this entire area covered. Our best chance is to reach a jeep that's abandoned by the bridge. The keys are still in the ignition, at least I hope they are."
"That's our ride!" exclaimed Will excitedly. 
"Who's this?" Sara noticed Nikki for the first time as they stepped out the pipe, Sara carrying Joey. 
"This is Nikki. She's pre..." Will was about to spill the beans when he caught Nikki's eye and hurriedly changed the subject. "Er...prepared for anything that comes our way!"
"Well I'm glad to hear it!" Sara laughed, shaking Nikki's hand. "So, what do you do for a living, Nikki?"
"Window cleaning," Brian cut in as Nikki opened her mouth. 
"Window cleaning?" Sara frowned. 
"For the rich class. You know, in the suburbs."
"You know, that's interesting." Sara lifted up Nikki's left arm. A symbol was tattooed on it. "Because I'd recognise this mark anywhere. My squad rescue girls like her from brothels every day. What's she doing with you Brian? Thought I was gone for good, did you? Miss me that much, you got someone half my age to fuck you instead?"
"Sara!" Brian was shocked. "It's not like that!"
"Don't lie to me!" Sara marched up and slapped him across the face. "I can't believe you, Brian. When we first married, we agreed to love each other in good times and bad. I took my vows seriously; why couldn't you?"
"I did take my vows seriously," Brian spoke quietly, rubbing his cheek. "I haven't bedded another woman since we were separated. I thought about you every day that we were apart, praying for the day I would see you again."
"It's true, Mum." Will stepped up. "We're here to protect Nikki. Dad hasn't stopped thinking about you, or Ashlene. I hear him calling out your name in his sleep sometimes!"
"Thank you William, that will be all." Brian gently pushed Will to one side, stepping in front of his wife and running his fingers through her hair. "I love you, Sara. I always have and I always will. Nikki is with us until we reach France. What she does after that will be up to her."
"You promise?" asked Sara. 
Brian smiled. "When have I ever lied to you?" He pulled her close and gently kissed her lips. 
Will and Nikki smiled and looked away. 
"What happened to your hands?" Sara finally noticed the heavy bandages. 
"I'll explain later - there's the jeep!"
The black jeep was still parked on the other side of the bridge. To Will's surprise, there were no soldiers guarding it. There wasn't even a road block. 
"Dad, I don't like the look of this. Where is everyone?"
"Will, we haven't got time to waste arguing. Just get in and let's get out of here!"
Will, Joey and Nikki were positioned in the back so Will sat on the left, Nikki on the right and Joey in the middle. 
"Damn it!" Brian took a quick peek at the boot and saw it had been cleared out. "All the weapons are gone, all the goods. The bastards have taken the lot. Fuck!" He beat his hand against the window in frustration, cursing through his teeth as pain seared through his bandaged fist.

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