Room Rental

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Scarlets POV

Hi, my name is Scarlet Jones. I'm a lady in my twenties and a lesbian BDSM erotic writer. My life hasn't been in order for a while now. My partner and I recently split up and it has been Hell since then. She moved out of the apartment we rented together immediately so I was left alone in an oversized apartment with a rent way over my budget. Pretty rough right? Yeah, I know.

Luckily for me, I live close to a college and the first semester was about to come to an end. I put out an ad for room rental that was strictly for girls only for the upcoming semester. First come, first served.

A bevy of three girls were the first to reply. They were from abroad and urgently needed a place off the campus to stay. I needed the money so why the fuck not? They seemed nice and homely, so of course they got it immediately. I thought of how they would feel knowing that I was a lesbian but I was older so they should feel safe. I did set some pretty strict rules though, because I liked to maintain order. The first and most important rule was that they were responsible for cleaning after themselves. There was no way I was going to be cleaning for three college girls. The second rule was that since we were four girls, the full bathroom would be for showering and other stuff and would only be allocated to each person at a specific time. Half the bathroom is for toilet use.

The girls agreed and arrived in two days. They looked as nice as they sounded, and my mind was finally at ease. I loved my space too much to share it with three other girls, but they didn't seem so bad. The first few weeks were formal. We chatted a lot. I wasn't much of a talker, but my partner and I just split so I was all in for the little and big chats to take my mind off the hurt of splitting up with somebody I had been with since college.

The moment of truth came when they asked what I did, and I had to tell them that I was a lesbian erotic writer. I watched their eyes widen in shock and I held my breath. What if they didn't want to stay with me and ask for a refund? They exploded into excited giggles and demanded that I show them my work. Could I say no? Of course not! They figured out that I only wrote lesbian BDSM erotica.

"You write pretty neat stuff. Are you a lesbian?" the one with dark hair asked.

"Yeah, I am." I answered, but I got nervous, so I quickly added, "but only for my age."

They laughed and I was so relieved. I noticed that the one that seemed like the leader of the three stopped talking and just listened to the conversation of me and the other two girls. I knew her name was Nora because she was the one that signed the house agreement.

"Which one is your favorite book from all the books you've written?" The other dark-haired girl asked.

"This one." I replied, showing them a book I recently finished titled The Seductress.

"Why is it your favorite?" They seemed genuinely interested, so I told them.

"I like it because of the way the mistress used seduction to get her partner to submit to her. She did not use any form of manipulation, just pure seduction. She figured out her partner's weak spot and used it against her. Can you imagine that kind of control? I find that to be the most erotic part of the book." I explained to them. They listened to me quietly.

"Which are you in real life?" Nora, who has been quiet all the while, asked.

"Which am I?" I inquired in confusion.

"Are you dominant or submissive?"

I did not see that question coming, so I was thrown off balance for a little while.

"Er...I...I guess you can say that I'm a sub." I stammered. I looked up at her and saw the intensity in her eyes and in that moment, I wished the ground would open up and swallow me. I have never felt so intimidated by a person younger than me before. I had had enough of the conversation, so I excused myself and went to my room. Immediately I closed my bedroom door, I collapsed into the bed.

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