Chapter 4

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I have an unhealthy habit of making chapters late at night 😭


"How do we get back now?" Killua asked quietly, unsure.

"Just leave that to me. Hop on my back!" I spoke, he was confused but climbed up nonetheless, his arms around my neck while I was holding his legs.

"Well, here goes!" I used the same tactic as before, only this time I looked for little cracks or anomalies on the walls which I could bounce of to gain momentum instead of losing it. And sure enough, It worked, we made it to the top fast and everyone wowed at us, we landed in front of Gon.

"I'm never going on your back again, Idiot! Killua immediately hopped off my back, I guess he hit a few rocks, hehe...


The second phase of the exam was over, we had to go back to grab some spider eagle eggs or something? I'm not sure what they were called, I just know they were reaaaaaally good.

We had finally made it to Trick Tower, the 3rd phase!

I was walking around when I fell into a trap, well this is getting interesting, I was faced against some weird bear-like creature and some guy was talking trash about me, he sounded like an announcer or something, whatever, guess I kill this thing and find the others.

"Hey, I like to play with my victims but I've got se people waiting for me so, sorry!" I spoke cheerfully before dashing at him with my hands in my pockets

I decided to do a barrage of roundhouses, the first one came from the left, the next one from the right, I did that at full speed for a few seconds before proceeding to jump into the air and delivering a devastating spinning heel kick to his chin, his jaw flew clean off, blood dripping from what used to be his mouth, he stayed on his feet for a few more seconds before slamming against the ground.

I happily made my way towards the exit, I opened the door to find all the others in some weird room with an arena in the middle.

"What did I miss?" I asked, they were all relieved to see me, and Killua was too which came as kind of a surprise.

"Not much, we're fighting death row prisoners." Killua responded , Perfect! I wanted some more target practice.

"I'm next!" I yelled out as I jumped into the empty arena, the others stared confused at me.

"Give me your toughest guy, I wanna crack some skulls!" I excitedly spoke, some guy with ripped pants and no shirt stepped up.

"Dude put a hoodie on or something, this ain't a boxing event!" I jokingly exclaimed, ready for a beatdown.

The guy charged at me, where's your dignity dude, can't take a joke?

Nonetheless I effortlessly dodged the man with my hands in my pockets, he swung his fists at me again and again, I just weaved and unintentionally lead him to an edge, he tried to kick me in the stomach but I stepped to the left and he began falling down, I swiftly grabbed him by the hand and slammed him back on the pavement.

"Enough?" I questioned putting my heel to the man's throat. He was scared shitless and I walked back to Killua and the others.

"Why not kill him?" Killua quizzed, confused by my actions.

"Hey, my name is Kira dude." I answered, making a sarcastic comment about the worst name in the world.

(Kira is the Japanese for Killer if you're confused)

"I think that was the last guy" Gon pointed out, disregarding mine and Killua's conversation.

"Sooooo, what now?" I asked, stepping back, subconsciously making me lean on Killua's arm.

Damn, that's embarrassing! Agh!

I felt myself blush as the weird announcer guy led us to some room.


Well shit. Turns out we're stuck here.

The room was dark, without windows, we had a timer for 50 hours, I think that's how long we're stuck here for.

We were all laying in bed but Killua and Gon just couldn't sleep and kept fighting with pillows, naturally this kept me up. So I perked up, only to be absolutely obliterated by Killua slamming the pillow in my face.

I grabbed it and threw it right at him. Wiping that smug look of his face, I wasn't gonna stop there tho, I layed right on the pillow, choking Killua. Though he quickly kicked me in the face leading me to fall off the bed.

"Ow, that Isn't fair!" I exclaimed, "Neither is laying on my face!" Killua counter-stated, I felt defeated, but then I realised. If I'm physically stronger than him and punch him in the face hard enough, his argument will be irrelevant!

I springed up, shooting my fist at Killua's face, he swiftly put his head to the side and punched me in the gut. Yeah, that isn't happening.


"Can I just do a heelflip or something?" I continued begging Killua to let me borrow his skateboard, but to no avail.

"Agh, go to hell!" I yelled as I dropped down on the bed, quickly falling into a deep slumber.

I woke up with my hands hugging something rather soft and my body pressed against it.

I didn't bother opening my eyes, I kept hugging whatever I was-

Wait, I didn't think that one through, I need to know what I'm pressed against! I opened my eyes  to a familiar head of white hair.


But, so comfyyy at the same time!

Well, I guess he isn't making a fuss about it...

I drifted back to sleep, the clock still ticking on...

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