Never Again Will I Get Drunk. Ever.

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Sorry, no picture or video. Hope you like the chapter.

My eyes flew open and my brain began to throb. I sat up and felt my entire body ache. I willed myself to sit up and keep my eyes open. I looked around, sleepily and realized that I wasn't in my own bed. I threw silk comforter off me as shock ran through my entire body and I instantly got up. In spite of my headache and nausea, I ran down the stairs.

I saw Chase standing in the kitchen, flipping pancakes. "Look who's finally awake?" Chase said. 

'What happened?" Hearing the fear in my voice, he turned around to face me.

"Okay calm down, you got really drunk last night-"

"Oh my God, what? " I yelled. But I instantly regretted it a sharp pain shot through my head.

"I couldn't take you home because I knew you would get in trouble. So I asked Eve to cover for you. I told her that I would take you home when you were feeling better."

"Why couldn't you let me stay at her house?"

"Because then her parents would know." I put my hand to my mouth.

"I think I'm gonna be sick."

"By the looks of your face, I think you are too,"

"Where's your-"

"Two doors to the right-" Before he could finish I ran.


Chase had been kind enough to give me some of his clothes which I had gladly changed into, happy to get rid of the disgusting smell of alcohol and vomit. I felt like I was buried under his large t shirt. He didn't have any pants that fit me but his t shirt was large enough for me to wear like a dress. I was pretty comfortable.

As I walked out of one the many guest rooms, I walked back down to the kitchen and saw Chase sitting at the table. He looked up and gave me a small smile.

"Do you remember anything from last night?" I scratched my head, trying to remember.

"No, but I'm sure when this hangover gets better, it'll all come back to me." He chuckled and handed me a couple of tablets.

"Here, eat something and then take some pain reliever." I looked around. 

"I don't remember much, but I do remember that your house wasn't this clean last night." 

He chuckled. "Yeah, I have some really good maids."

"I bet. Listen, I just wanted to say thanks. For everything."

"No problem. I've got to run a couple errands but as soon as I come back, I'll drop you back home. You sure you're okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. You're the best. I seriously appreciate-"

He put his hand up to stop me. "Don't worry about it."

As soon as he left I began to wander around the house. His house was pretty bare, except for the furniture. No paintings, no pictures, nothing to decorate the walls. The lack of decor made the house look that much bigger. It felt so... empty. I found myself back in the room that I had slept in and found my phone neatly kept on the nightstand. I smiled when I thought about how nice Chase had been to do what he did. I spent about an hour on my phone when I heard a doorbell ring. I considered not answering it and pretending like no one was home. But it kept ringing over and again and I was getting irritated. I figured it was one of Chase's annoying friends so I ran downstairs and swung the door open.

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