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"Guess what came in the mail from a special someone?" Noah asked as I came down the stairs.

"Hm, let me guess. Does this happen to be from a someone who's never around?" I played along.

Ding! Ding! Ding! Folks we've got a winner!"

"I must be psychic!" I exclaimed.

"I think you mean psychotic," Noah said and he pointed to the blue envelope on the chair.

I picked it up and opened it cautiously.

Hello my lovely children,

Here's a 100 dollars to help ya out. I miss you guys so much.


On the other side of the card was a 100$ bill attached to it with a staple.

"I don't even know why I bother to read this every month. It's always the same thing. I just keep hoping... forget it," I said.

"I know kiddo, I know," he said as he pulled me into a bear hug. After a couple of seconds I pulled away and grabbed a honeybun from the pantry.

"Hey, at least he's helping out a little bit. You know it's getting harder to pay the bills nowadays," Noah pointed out optimistically.

"Yeah, whatever. You know, you wouldn't have trouble paying the bills if you would just let me work a part time job."

"No way. You have too much on your plate already," Noah replied. I finished my honeybun and ran out the door. I heard Noah say something but I couldn't quite make out what he said so I just got in the car.

"It's Friday! We've survived our first week of senior year!" Evelyn exclaimed.

"Great, but you know what would be even greater? If you let me drive for once," Katrina said. Evelyn and I laughed the minute she finished but she continued to explain why she just had to drive.

"Kat, you should probably stop now. You're not going to win."

Katrina crossed her arms over chest and frowned for the rest of the drive.


"Did you hear Julia's ex is here?" Katrina asked as I sat next to her.

"Yeah, I don't have any classes with him but I know he's really cute," Evelyn said.

"Do you guys have anything better to do then gossip about other people. Like I don't know, eat your lunch like you're supposed to in a cafeteria?" Shaun sat down on the other side of Katrina and slung his arm around her shoulder.

"You guys are disgusting, I hope you know that," I told them with a spoonful of yogurt in my mouth. All of us laughed and then Kat kissed Shaun briefly and stuck her tongue at me. We all laughed again and Evelyn said, "Ah the irony. You calling these two disgusting, while you talk with food in your mouth. Although, I do agree with you." In reality though, Katrina and Shaun were perfect for each other. Katrina was outgoing, and smart. While Shaun was funny, and caring. It probably doesn't sound like it, but they're a really good match.

"I think we all knew that Eve, you didn't have to explain it," I replied, holding back a laugh.

"You guys are just jealous, isn't everyone?" Katrina imitated Julia.

"Anyways, the new guy, I really want to meet him."

"Isn't his name like, Isaac or something?" Katrina guessed unsurely.

"Crap!" I exclaimed. Almost immediately, all their heads turned to my direction.

"Is everybody really talking about him?" I asked.

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