Chapter 2

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Enjoy and a special thanks to one of my friends!!

Chapter 2

I had gone upstairs after Sage and I's small and unimportant conversation, hoping that I could more further educate myself on the splendid array of words and definitions.

And after hours of sitting in one spot staring at an illuminated screen and finding that my time was better spent on a social site called Tumblr (In which I thoroughly enjoyed and thought fascinating) I heard my mothers shrill call for Sage and I to come down for a family meeting. (Everyone knew that Steele and Tyde were already downstairs talking to Mom about their amazing catches and throws of a prolate spheroid [Football] ).

"Good-evening Troye." My mother stated, glancing at me with up turned lips.

I nodded, up turning my lips to copy hers.

"Good-evening Mom." I replied respectfully.

I walked over to the small square table that sat in the middle of our small living room.

"Hey Troye, how was your day?" Steele said waving a hand at me.

I up turned my lips and gave him a small remark before saying hello to Tyde who had come from the kitchen.

After the family had gotten situated (even my father who I rarely saw) my mother commented on how she had been doing amazing pictures and offered to show us some if we would like after this very needed family meeting.

"What is this all about?" Sage asked, looking from Mom to the rest of us in a quizzical fashion.

Our mother looked at all of us.

"We're moving."

I watched as Sage, Tyde, and Steele's lips turned downwards and they seemed very short with mom.

"I cannot believe you are doing this!!!! We just were going to start school for the second year and you're suddenly moving us AGAIN!" Sage stated in a raised voice.

Mom didn't seem to appreciate this statement, in reaction to Sage's raised voice Mom stood, leaning against the table on her hands and in a raised voice telling Sage how we had to move once again because of her job and our fathers acquaintances were going to let us stay at their summer house in L.A.

No one seemed to understand her statement, all barging in on each others raised voices to tell how they didn't understand why they had to move and how they had finally been socially excepted in their school and how they had acquaintances of there own and they didn't want to uproot themselves and go anywhere else again.

After a LONG conversation in VERY loud voices, everyone seemed to get quiet and finally except that change was inevitable even though they believed it was still inexorable.

"Troye what do you feel on the subject?" My mother inquired, glancing at me.

The rest of my family looked at me as I thought about my answer.

"I don't feel much, I believe that change is always a good thing, change turns to knowledge and knowledge can easily be used in life. So I accept that we must leave this house and go to another." I stated.

The room was quiet and everyone stared at me, and I stared right back, unable to understand why thought my answer was stare-worthy.

"Um... That's an answer..." My sister mumbled.

No one else asked me to share my feeling on the subject of moving and I truly was glad. Even in my own house I didn't like to be in the conversation nor did I like being the center of attention as I had been.




After the meeting I made my way upstairs, turning to my sister to say good-night.

"Your answer at the meeting today," She began. "...Do you really not feel anything about moving?" Her voice showed that she was unable to comprehend why I had no feelings on something so arbitrary.

I shook my head, turning before she could ask me anything and going into my bedroom.




Feeling is the illusion of choice on what your brain thinks and a weakness that divides us strong from the weak. The weak let's there feelings control how they think and the actions that they make when they do things everyday. The strong don't feel emotions and don't let them control anything they do. They make actions and do things based on the logical situations and statistics.

The truest statement I could have made.




Moving day was a fast paced process.

Our boxes and other things had already been sent to the summer house in LA and now all we had to do was go on a plane and sit there for a few hours until we made it to LA and the next week (after unpacking our things) we would start school at Risver High.

Another High school where I would be invisible and not ever seen. Where I would be just another face in the crowd of people obviously hoping for the highest social class that High School was capable.




The summer house (Now called by us kids the SH) was a sight to behold.

From giant rooms to scenery from each window, everyone was very understanding in why we had moved in when Mom finally pulled up into the driveway and parked in (a never had before) garage.

"MOM THIS IS AMAZING IT'S BEAUTIFUL!" Sage said raising her voice as she ran off into a room upstairs, her feet thumping and leaving the whole house empty of sound.

I picked my room on the bottom floor (Similar to a basement), to put all of my stuff, and after asking my parents whether I could permanently go there (which was a yes) I began unpacking my things.

Starting with books and my laptop (obviously), and organizing where and when I would put things up, where I would hang my couple astronomy posters, and asking Tyde and Steele to assist me with moving my bed so that an outlet for my laptop was accessible from even the furthest corner of my bed.

After a bit of unpacking and getting situated in my new environment I opened my laptop, sitting it on my stomach and writing until it became dark.


A welcome change in scenery and a new place to become compatible with. A way to show an interest in new things, in new ways, with new people.


Lol raise your hand if you knew what a prolate spheriod was cx!!

I love you guys! (It took me three minutes to spell check this... -_- _-_ )

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