Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

"Inconsequential?" The question itself seemed more humorous than quizzical.

"...Yah... Um... it means not important or significant...."

Tyler nodded.

"Still, inconsequential.... It's a very complex word.... I'm surprised... I thought of you as the kind of guy who just loved! the small easy words...."

I smiled.

"Well... Not exactly small words at all, but words like 'the' and 'a' are an important contribution to human speech... So yah, I like the easy words just as much as I like convoluted, ones..."

He seemed pleased with my answer, smiling as he turned back to whatever he was doing in his own journal (the same one he had snatched so quickly from me).

"HEY!" I exclaimed suddenly, realizing something of great importance.

"You were reading my stuff!!"

He replied with a chuckle and nodded.

"I was wondering when you were going to pick up that little bit... Maybe your not as astute as I thought you were.... Man I was very much looking forward to an intelligent conversation with someone who could teach rocket scientists."

I laughed, stopping abruptly.

I laughed...




I held a hand to my mouth, shocked that this abhorrent thing had happened.

"Hey? You ok?" He questioned.

I nodded absently, trying to comprehend all of the things that had just happened... I mean it had been a very long time since I had shown the weakness of letting my emotions show in a public place; much less, socializing with a individual...

Part of me actually liked it...

The other part of me knew that showing even the slightest emotion in front of any kind living individual would bring my social life to sky rocket from the rock bottom I worked so hard to achieve.

I knew that laughing would be showing an emotional aspect of my persona that I had suppressed for many, many years.

That's when it happened, or at least I guess that's when it happened...

I believe that at that moment, that precise second where my inner battles were battling so hard against each other, my emotional suppression and wall that I had been using to block out the main social and humane part of me, I believe at that moment it broke.

The small crack that would begin to change my life.




"So Mr. Quidnunc, if your going to be all snoopy and sneaky like, tell me, whats in that very interesting blue notebook?"

He looked at me questionably.

"Mr. what?"

I chuckled.

"Quidnunc, an inquisitive or gossipy person..."

He shook his head dramatically.

"Inquisitive, yes. Gossipy, just the opposite. I am the gossip, not the gossiper."

I shook my head.

"Trying to change the subject will not save you from the fact that I am very curious to find what is in that very pretty azul notebook."

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