Chapter 2

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I'm lying in the hospital bed. The nurses were in out, checking my vitals. My normally bouncy ginger hair lay frizzed around my shoulders. Sounds of Oliver's voice float me awake. I looked over and give him a small smirk.

"Hello Ollie. What happened?"

I couldn't remember clearly what happened after Oliver's camera went off. All I remember is pain and a voice. Oliver laid his hand over mine.

"The doctor's said it seems like you just had a freak reaction. There is no damage to your body. But they don't want you to go back to work for a few days."

Oliver's eyes were wet. He had been crying. His baby blues were brighter when he cried.

"To hell with that Ollie. You know I can't not work."

Oliver looked sternly at me, almost like an older brother would.

"You will do what the doctors say. You can write and research from home in bed."

I roll my eyes at him.

"Yeah, that's gonna be a no. How am I supposed to research anything? You really think some other newspaper hasn't picked up the story yet? We have to be on this."

"Of course, they have. But that's how news works Molly. You can do everything from home."

"No. I will not." I protest.

I start to try and get up, but Ollie stops me. His eyes wet again.

"You listen here Molly Eliza Summers. You could have died out there. I could have lost my best friend, my wing woman, my sister. I am your only family, so I will make sure you take care of yourself. I may not be any blood to you, but I am here. And you won't be doing anything risky. Do you understand?"

I stare at Oliver. I watch as tears fall on his cheeks. We've known one another since the foster care system. We managed to keep in contact after we turned eighteen. We even went to the same college and graduated, found the same job place. Ollie is my brother even if we share no blood. There was a knock on the door, and we both look up to find Parker standing awkwardly in the doorway.

" this a bad time?" He looked between us.

"Oh. Shit. Sorry I forgotten. No, it's fine. Come in." Oliver said flustered.

Parker nodded and walked to the end of the bed.

"I needed your statement, Oliver. You rushed away before I could get it."

"Oh yes, sorry." Oliver blushed.

Parker smiled slightly. I watch them for a second, seeing a small spark light. A grin spread across my face. Oliver looked over and shook his head. He already knows what I'm thinking.

"So ummm...your statement?" Parker reminded.

Oliver sat back down, as Parker pulled out a pen and small notepad.

"Molly was up close to the rock, while we spoke. Sometimes I like to take pictures of her doing her job so I can add them to work themed galleries I do. But as soon as I clicked the camera, and my flash went off. That's when she fell over. The doctors said there was no damage to her, and they aren't certain what had caused it."

Parker nodded, writing every word down. After a few moments he shut his notepad and looks over at me.

"And how are you doing Miss. Summers?"

"Oh, peachy keen Officer Garrison. It seems you're doing just fine as well." I smirked.

"Well, that's all from me. Get well Miss. Summers."

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