Chapter 11

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And with that, darkness clouds the space and I'm sent back. I wake the next morning to Oliver shaking me awake. I slowly open my eyes to find panic in his. I jerk up staring at him.

"what's wrong? Whats going on?"

Oliver sits on my bed, and flips my tv on to the news. There on the screen is our news repoter. In the sky behind him, looks as if there is a metal ship.

"As you see behind me, up in the sky is a UFO. Yes people, a real UFO. It was reported at the early hours of 3am. It hasn't moved since, and we have word that special forces are coming."

Oliver sat on my bed, worry spread against his whole being. My thoughts drift to the last conversation with Knockton. I had hoped he would change it. He said this would happen. But I had seen pain, guilt and doubt in the plan the spoke of. I stare back at Oliver, trying to find the words that I might know about that ship.

"What the hell is happening, Molls? It has to do with that rock we were making an article on."

I grab Oliver's hand and hold it tight, trying to find the words to explain this. He's staring at me. Confusion spread about him.

"Ollie, I may be part of this."

He grabs my other hand.

"Huh? What do you mean?"

I breath in.

"When I fell ill that day at the site, it was a freak accident. But it had nothing to do with my health. It was the rock."

Oliver thought this over, gripping my hand tighter.

"What? What are you saying, Molls?"

"I'm saying, there was a being in that rock. When I fell, it was him who went into my body. There is a alien inside me. He plans to use me to populate the earth and take domiances over humans."

Oliver stares at me in shock. He removes his hand from mine. I stall myself for him to declare my insanity.


"Molls, I don't know what to say."

"Please say you believe me. After seeing that report, I know I'm not crazy. He's real, and he wants me."

Oliver stands from my bed, and goes to stare out my window. He is all tense, and his prescene is frigid.

"I can show you. I can show you Knockton." I declare.

He turns around and stares at me. His eyes are unreadable. He moves to the door. I fist my hands, and whisper for Knocton to become soild and show himself. But for the first time in a month, I don't feel his prescence in me. I feel empty.

"Molly, I wish I could believe you. But you are just another human like me and the rest of the world. You fell ill, and you've been different since. I don't believe that ship is here for you."

He grabs my bedroom doorhandle and starts to walk out. I jump from my bed, grabbing his arm.

"Please Ollie. I'm not crazy. I'm telling the truth."

Oliver pulls me into a hug, and sighs.

"You've been through a lot, Molly. Maybe the trauma you thought was healed, isn't. I don't know what's going on out there, but right now you need to figure out what's going on in your head. I'll call if John knows anything. But for now, stay home."

Oliver lets me go and walks out of my apartment. I stand in shock. Oliver has always believed me. My chest aches. I know I'm not crazy. I've felt Knockton hold me, I've seen his memories and felt his sadness. Suddenly I'm pulled from my thoughts. A burning sensation spreads across my body, and my head starts to pound. Smoke is pouring from my skin. I lay on my bed as I watch Knockton materialize in front of me. His beauty hits me, making me forget the pain. His somber eyes watch me.

"What? How are you here? I called for you. I needed you to show Ollie, but now he thinks im crazy"

"I had to ignore that. I had to make you think I left. But it's time for the last task of the mission, Molly."

I shake my head.

"No, I won't do it. I'm not being a slave. This is my body. And I'll be damned if I let someone else tell me what to do with it again."

I back against my bedroom door. My body becomes all fight. My hair flies wild around me as I try to fight Knocton off me. My face is soaked with tears, and my body trembles. Knocton finally has me in a hold. He holds my forhead to his like before.

"Molly, calm down. Please. Let me help you."

I try to protest but my body begins to feel like led, and my eyes drop. I fall into a slumber in Knocton's arms.

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