Chapter 8

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"So he really called you for backup?"

He smiled and shook his head.

"Umm...actually we were on a date." Parker's face blushed.

I turned to Oliver, grinning like The Joker.

"So I was right." I gloated

Oliver rolled his eyes, and shoved me lightly .

"That's not the issue here. Are you okay?"

I looked out the window, remembering the space with Knocton. How even though I know what he wants me for, I still seemed okay when he touched me. He made ir feel safe when his hand rested on my cheek. He made it feel as though as long as he was there, maybe I would be okay giving my body up.

"I will be. Do you guys want to stay over? I've been told my couch is heaven sent. I'm ordering Pizza and watching Grease."

"Oh, you know those are two of my weaknesses Molls." Oliver grinned

"Parker?" Oliver asked

"Yeah. I haven't seen grease before. I'm more of an action flick kind of guy."

"Oh then you must watch carefully. I'll go order." I smiled

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