episode 3

26 12 1

Jingyi: "Oh, yes, grandmother, everything is just fine

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Jingyi: "Oh, yes, grandmother, everything is just fine. Thank you."

Jingyi responded, trying to sound positive despite her discomfort at seeing the mother of her killers.

"Until you're here," she whispered quietly, although someone overhead her words.

Miuin: "Alright, children, let's go inside and start the ceremony which has been delayed for so long."

She said, turning towards her son and daughter-in-law, Helicon and Ruchi.

Helicon: "Yes, of course. Let's go!"

Helicon said with a cheerful tone, taking his daughters' hands and leading them inside. Miuin and Ruchi smiled at their enthusiasm.

As they entered, all eyes were on them, including Kang Taehl.

Jangi: "Look who decided to show up."

Jangi said, taunting Helicon.

"Finally, you're here, my brother. I didn't think you would actually come."

Helicon: And that's why hyung,

Helicon responded with a simple answer, a smile evident in his voice. On the other hand, Jingyi seemed uncomfortable seeing Kangs in front of her.

Jingyi: Appa, I want to go to the washroom.

She said in between breaths, her voice filled with panic.

Helicon: Are you okay, Jing?

He asked with concern, to which Jingyi nodded.

Helicon: It's on the left, front door.

He pointed in that direction as Jingyi simply nodded and hurriedly left. Just as she left, Ruchi entered with Miuin.

Ruchi: What happened, Helicon? Where was she going? Is she okay?

Ruchi asked with the concern of a mother.

Miuin: Yes, what happened? Where was she going? Is she feeling alright?

Miuin enquired upon arriving.

Helicon: Well, eomma, she just mentioned that she wanted to go to the washroom.

Helicon replied with concerned in his voice was also clearly vision

Jeiyon : Is you guys done with what happening is she ok " Drama so we start the ceremony, she said being irritate

Helicon was about to say something in hyperness but Ruchi hold her hand and indicates her to remain calm and not being hyper

Jingyi marched towards the washroom and confidently stood in front of the mirror basin. She repeatedly washed her face, closely examining herself in the mirror. Her body had transformed into that of a young girl.

Jingyi: "I demand another opportunity from God to seek vengeance against Kangs. The twist of fate has placed me in the body of Kang, providing me with the perfect chance to exact the excruciating death they imposed upon me. With my knowledge of their future, I fully intend to destroy them, ensuring that the pain they inflicted upon me and my family will pale in comparison to the suffering they will endure. God has granted me one more chance.

As she gazed at her reflection, her determination remained unwavering.
Jingyi: "They have always pretended to be wealthy, but now it is time to reveal their true status."
Confidently, she smirked.

Jingyi: "I will play the secret Devil in this dirty game of Kangs and I will win at any cost. The price of this game is the Kang industry, and I am determined to become the true owner of Kangs. I will navigate through their hiring process without arousing their suspicion."

She muttered to herself while observing her reflection in the mirror.
"And the main player is Kang Taehl

"Her eyes shimmered with tears as she reflected on her past, recalling how the Kangs had made her life unbearable and caused the tragic loss of her family. Painful memories consumed her thoughts, prompting the release of her tears. She gently placed her hand over her mouth as she fell  to her knees, reminiscing about her loved ones. Despite the tears streaming down her face, a glimmer of hope emerged in her mind.

Jingyi: If I am here, that means my mother and father would be here too, right? she whispered amidst her sobs. She regained her composure and exited the bathroom, resolutely making her way towards the main hall where the ceremony was taking place. Paying no heed to the Kang family, she headed straight for the main entrance to reunite with her mother. However, Ruchi, engaged in conversation with someone, caught sight of her.

Ruchi: Where are you going, Jingyi? But before she could finish her sentence, Jingyi had already departed.

Ruchi: Jingyi," she paused, bowing respectfully to the person she was speaking to.. : I can talk you later she said before going behind jingyi
She was about to go behind, but Helicon noticed her and stopped her, saying, 'Where are you going, love?'

Ruchi replied, 'Behind, Jingyi, she was going towards our entrance, and I saw tears in her eyes. I feared that someone here said something to her.'

Helicon, concerned about his daughter, suggested, 'Let's go behind her.'

They followed Jingyi, but Taehl's eyes fell on them and he chose to ignore their presence.

Jingyi ran barefoot with an optimistic smile on her face, believing that her mother would be okay and that she would finally be able to meet her again after fifteen years since her mother's death.

She whispered to herself while running, 'This time, I won't let you die, eooma, at any cost.'

Helicon and Ruchi yelled, 'Jingyi, stop running, daughter! Are you okay?'

But Jingyi didn't seem to care as she continued running.

While running, she suddenly bumped into someone and fell.

A husky voice asked, 'Hey, girl, are you okay?'

When she looked up her only met with shock  as a wisper left from her mouth

" Kim  Taehyung"

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