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Welcome to my story "All They could See Were Petals, All She Felt Were Thorns"

A/N:  Yes, this is a very long title, I realise that, but i feel that it captures what the book is about. Now, for all those descendants lovers out there, i feel as if Audrey was skipped over in the movies and not given much screen time. So, to rectify this I am giving her a book. Now, in this book there will be themes of abuse, mental illness, and more mature situations. Yes, it is a Disney Movie, but it doesn't mean my book has to be Disney-Certified, I want to give more depth to Audrey and her character.

I am changing slightly the course of the story, it will still follow the movies, but it will have some twists and turns that were not captured on screen. Mainly that Audrey's grandmother is Aurora aka Sleeping beauty and not her mother. I felt that her mother would have not suited the role compared to what I envisioned of the grandmother.

Disclaimer: All rights go to Disney Television Animation, Bad Angels Productions, 5678 Productions and the directors:  Salvador Simó Busom, Kenny Ortega

Enjoy Reading!

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