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Soft pink hues seemed to soak every inch of the room as a little girl sat quietly reading

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Soft pink hues seemed to soak every inch of the room as a little girl sat quietly reading. A tall window stood in the room giving the view of an expansive garden full of all types of roses. Blush pink curtains framed the window.

The bubble gum pink door remained shut unless it was time for food, lessons, or visiting Prince Ben.

At first glance, everything seemed normal, but nothing was normal.

A flowery dress lined with weaved sparkles sat upon the girl's shoulders as she kept a straight posture. Her brown tresses were pulled back into a perfect bun, no hair escaped the hairstyle. 

Blush and highlighter dusted her cheeks as she needed to make herself presentable. Her glossed lips held a small, not-so-noticeable smile. She was picture-perfect, but on the inside, she was drowning. The aroma of rose perfumed in the air made the little girl want to gag, but she knew better.

Someone was always watching her.

She couldn't mess up her family's image, no, she was destined to be the next queen of Auradon. Powder covered her cheeks and forehead hiding her freckles and blemishes hid underneath. Long sleeves hid her past punishments. 

Her thin fingers gingerly turned the page of her book, she was allowed to read fairytales, nothing else.

Her naive, impressionable mind was full of the notions of princes and magic, yet the world wasn't as magical as the books painted it to be. 

Her blue eyes ran over the lines on the paper as she shifted in her seat causing her dress to crease.

Suddenly a familiar voice rang through the room.

"Audrey, do tell me what mistake you made?" Her grandmother said in a sickly sweet voice. Her clouded eyes were full of malice. The little girl swallowed her fear and made eye contact with the revered "Sleeping Beauty".

"I creased my dress. I deserve punishment." She said with a smile, a well-practiced smile.

Her grandmother nodded encouragingly as she lifted her wooden cane from the floor. Audrey kept her placated smile as she stood up gracefully, her arms out awaiting the pain.

"Audrey dear, why are you shaking? This is for your own good." Her grandmother crooned, taking notice of the subtle tremble in the little girl's body. 

 The little girl kept her megawatt smile in place, she wouldn't falter. With a quick swoosh, smacks filled the room.

The little girl's mind blanked switching to Odette, her alternate personality. 

Odette took all the pain away from Audrey and saved her from the cruelty the world dealt her. Once the wood stopped biting into her now raw arms Odette receded to the deep subconscious of the little girl's fragmented mind waiting for the next punishment.

Audrey now soaked up her grandmother's gentle caresses as she led the little girl back to her stool. 

With a book in hand, she kept reading as if nothing occurred. 

For all Audrey knew she loved her grandmother, but Odette knew the thorns that hid beneath the woman's exterior.

All They Could See Were Petals, All She Felt Were ThornsWhere stories live. Discover now