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again not my story belongs to Tuesday469


Xavier pov

I ran to the hospital to see  Wednesday and the Nightshades + Hyde Enid. With a smirk on my face I asked "What happened?" Wednesday replied with venom in her voice "You."   "Can I speak to Wednesday alone?" Wednesday nodded, signaling everyone to go outside. "Now what did I do?"

Wednesday pov

"You know exactly what the f**k  you did." I spat "OH! Yeah. You deserved it." "How did I deserve it?" I questioned "You don't love me. I love so f**king much you know that, yet still you choose Hyde boy what do you even see in him?"  "That he actually knows what I LIKE and believes because he trusts me and not because he likes me. Now get the  f**k out."

Tyler pov

Xavier was in there a few minutes with Weds until finally came out, everyone went back in while I grabbed his shirt  questioning him "Why did you shoot Wednesday?" my voice was filled with rage. "Because I actually love her and you don't." "How does shooting  her prove you love her?" "Hate makes love so if I hate her she'll love me."  I rolled my eyes at his idiocy and let him go since I knew punching him wasn't worth it.



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