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In this endless battle of Order and Chaos
Chaos always ensue
As it is the way of nature, in ever changing
Its vast avenue
From specks we came to specks we shall return
All lovers, dancers and singers shall be gone
And unremembered like some pasts we did not unearthed

"Order" a word, a concept, a law made by us
To categorize everything
Has zero to no meaning in the eyes of the universe
Or any higher being
But it hold some weight, as it keeps us safe and sane
An illusion we have cater to like servants of our brain
And because humans we are, without it we are lost

What do we want? or What are we mainly aiming for?
Within this world
Is it even worth to ask, for time will comsume everything
One and all
From things we want, got and things we did not want
All thoughts, ideas and feelings too shall be gone
And does anything really matter as we all will be dust

We are of many things but are feeling creatures first
Thinking is a second
We give and find any meaning in this meaninless existence
Truth be a burden
But when nothing really matter than we make anything matter
A reality we fully forged cause we are our own master
And because humans we are, we find our own way when lost.

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