The Daemon Equation

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Way beyond the throne where the Ego stand
Just before the abyss where the Shadow dance
In the labyrinth of crossroads and dilemmatic voices
Dwells the Daemon, the spirit of mortal choices
It is benevolent and malevolent or is it neither
Incomprehensible to us is this creature's nature

Emerging when one questions and has to decide
On the thoughts that it, itself have provide
Whispers contradicting answers and actions to be taken
Of the polar opposites and of diverging tangent
And clawing us if we linger on for too long
To rearrange our minds, rightly where they belong

As we heed the call that the Daemon instills
That we had thought were our own free wills
Consuming our assurance, if we are stuck perplex
By the dilemma formed from the mortal complex
Questioning and judging this higher being's action
Is a pity attempt, a mortal folly of the Daemon Equation

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