Chapter 1: Alex's "Enemy"

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So, for Alex it was difficult for him to concentrate because all he had on his mind was his mum, he just felt like breaking down and crying but didn't want people to judge him because to them he was just crying, they didn't know the reason and if they knew it would make him feel worse because the people would be constantly reminding him ,unintentionally, about his tragic loss.

Alex had an enemy if you will, a person who was in nearly all of his lessons that would annoy the life out of him, but Alex was the sort of person to hide his emotions and put a face on to make people think he's happy all the time, that enemy was Markus. Markus annoyed Alex all the time it was like a hobby to him.

In registration Markus just so happened to sit in front of Alex but despite that he would always turn around to annoy him and Alex's Best friend Oliver would help Alex stay calm and do things to try and make him laugh, which he was very grateful for, but Markus was relentless and would stop at nothing to get a reaction out of Alex, and ended up getting himself a detention at break.

First lesson was English which Markus wasn't in the same class as Alex for, so it all went ok. They met their new teacher she was a nice teacher and was good at her job. She did a quick introduction, let people sit where they wish and the gave them a simple task of getting a little speech together that tells their classmates a few things about them. But Alex was a very shy person and hated doing speeches or presentations whether he was on his own or in a group he would just break down and with the loss of his mum he was shaking the entire table with his two most loyal and trusted friends on, one being Oliver and the other being Eloise.

He said to Alex in his vey irritating voice Your mum is so fat the fury and pure angry in Alex's eyes was almost as if he because possessed by Satan himself and the fear on Markus' face made him realise, he would soon regret what he had said. Alex didn't say a work he just walks slowly over to Markus and then quietly said trying to hold back his anger don't you dare ever speak about my mum like that again, do you understand me?

And Markus being Markus mimics what Alex said in his irritating voice, then Alex launches at Markus and ended up punching him in the face Markus' nose dripping with blood and him on the verge of crying runs off, but Alex wasn't finish, Alex wanted Markus to apologise for what he said so he chased after him and eventually caught up to him then Markus apologised to Alex. Then came 4th lesson, History, which happened to be the first lesson of the day that Markus was in Alex's lesson.

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