Chapter 2: Alex's wrath

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The next day went extremely fast, and Alex could barely remember it because that day would have been his mums birthday, so he got allowed to stay in the well-being room where the people in there comforted him and gave him cups of tea all day. But the next day was Drama the one subject Alex despised but before that there was Geography and RS (religious studies). Geography was a rocky start to the day because Alex was still upset from yesterday and worried about drama. Then came RS which was a bad lesson because they were learning about heaven and hell and Alex had not long lost his mum.

Then it came to break time, once again with Markus as an annoying little rat, however this time with backup. Backup known as McKenzie who helped Markus beat up Alex to the point Alexs rage was through the roof and then his eyes lit up like he was possessed by Satan and Alex clenched his fist that had fire in them and then he unclenched them, and fire shot out on the ground right in front of Markuss and Mckenzie's feet. And they legged it running all the way across the field in a matter of seconds.

Anyway, after that scenario Alex was terrified on what had just happened and luckily for him no one had seen what had happened other than McKenzie, Markus and obviously Alex himself, although he thought. Little did he know his friends were just walking outside when he scared Markus and McKenzie away. They walked over scared and slightly traumatized as to what they just witnessed, as their best friend had literally shot fire out of his hands and then he did something even more terrifying, he turned invisible. At this point his friends (Eloise and Oliver) were petrified and just stood there looking at each other as if to say, What the fuck just happened? And then they heard the bell and had to go to class like nothing happened.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2023 ⏰

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