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GINERVA WEASLEY SETTLES DOWN ON THE BENCH NEXT TO HERMIONE. She made a small but huge scene by groaning and settles her face on the table. The three other students that sat around her looked her way. Neville was seated on her left, enjoying his meal but not paying attention to her antics. Hermione awkwardly patter her back; confused why she was so angry.

"What's wrong, Ginny?" Ron asked. The British voice was muffled by the piece of chicken inside his mouth. His brows were lifted in an arch, "Bloody hell, this is delicious!" Ginny rolls her eyes and sighs. Harry took his own chicken leg and took an a average sized bite from the bone.

His eyes widen and he stares at the girls. Once the meal is swallowed he talks, "Ron's right. You lot should try it out." The two boys continue to feast on the delicious meal that would soon disappear. Hermione scoffs.

"You dimwits! Ginny, what's the issue?" Hermione scowls at the two boys and turns. The two eighth years shrug of the cruel comment and continue munching food. Ginerva Weasley groans once more in despair.

"I have absolutely no idea on how Clovis is even able to be i Ravenclaw!" Ginny groans. The girl didn't find the boy smart nor stupid, only in between the two ideals. She didn't have hatred or anything towards the young demigod, just having a bad morning was all. It was a funky feeling, "My morning has been horrendous due to Ron! He and Harry's silly little pranks have me fed up."

Hermione pats her best friend's shoulder, "I apologize, Ginny. They should be more mature but they aren't and that is truly disappointing. I'm trying my absolute hardest to keep them in line," Hermione Granger sends the two eighth years dirty, pointed looks in their direction.

"Right, right, sorry Ginny.," Ronald responds apologetically. His attention is soon turned back to the roll of bread and smiles at the wonderful flavor, "How come you're mad about Clovis being in Ravenclaw though?" Ginny rolls her own eyes and begins feasting on the meal.

"He barely understands how to do most work, don't get me wrong he seems great in all, but he always sleeping!" Ginny yawns once. Hermione nods thinking through the way the magical hat was thinking.

Ugh i hate this chapter and its short so im so sorry but I really wanted to get it out with all you lovely new readers. Really stressed me out 😰 so if the chapters are short and boring thats why. But im trying to make a chapter where Im like- really interested in

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