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SCENERY:: Malfoy Manor

CLOVIS CROAKED OUT A SOB. The room reeked of blood and sweat. He was wearing down his own life. Nothing he did could motivate him. At some point in his stay Clovis stopped thinking, "I just want to go HOME!"

"I'm sorry, Clovis. But we can't," Selina cried out. Tears stained her porcelain face clearly showing sadness and guilt, but her eyes were shallow. Nothing appeared in the dark pupils. Perhaps it was the fact that she was dead. The teenager before him was a cast for the dead demigod. It was a vessel, not a person.

"You're a monster, y'know that?" He cried in tears. "I WANT TO LEAVE! Let me leave! I HAVE NOTHING, YOU PURE IMBECILES! LUCIUS IS DEAD." Clovis couldn't take it anymore. His anger was in every crack of the room, there was so much of it. He had been stuck in there for however long, and it seemed to have taken a toll on him.


Clovis breathed heavily as pain stung his cheek. A brutal blow hit his stomach. He shook it off and closed his tired eyes. He was tired, sick and exhausted of their lives. It wasn't Clovis' fault that they lost a war, but he didn't want to take the blows for it.

Atlas had left a few days ago, and Lucius had recovered. Hades knows how that happened, but Clovis didn't even care anymore. Sometimes he wished Lucius would just finish him already. "Why don't you finish me already?"

The blonde weakly nodded with a giggle as Lucius glared, "Oh that's right...you lost one of the only things that could kill me. Gods, how I'd hate to be in their position right now..."

Air blew forward at Clovis. Hair flew to the left, finally leaving his sweating forehead. Lucius couldn't do anything to Clovis without the pearl. With a heavy sigh Clovis turned his head. He needed more wind, it felt particularly peaceful to say the least.


"CLOVIS?" A voice spoke. It ripped through the eerie silence of his room. Clovis could make out a small hint of an accent, unlike any from Europe. He let out a loud sigh to signal where to go. He couldn't talk anymore. His throat hurt from his coughing fits, "Oh thank Hades you're here. Come on, Buddy, let's get you out of here."

Darkness seeped the chair he sat in, before reappearing in a brighter area. Brown tables lunged from one side of the room to another. Candles dimmed the sky from above, snd human figures surrounded him.

"Clovis!" Pollux cried out happily. He and Lou Ellen ran to him with a bright hug and tears. The rope around him unraveled slowly before he became loose in the chair. "I missed you.."

Clovis croaked out a laugh snd coughed out blood, "you too...you too."

Im tryna update this so you guys DONT have to wait forever bc ik i get frustrated when that happens. So yayyy but im tryna make them good chapters so pls dont expect AMAZING work rn

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