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There are three types of people in this world- The ones born with everything; talent, luck, charm, connections and so on. They live a luxurious life devoid of any real pain or misery; are respected by the masses and stand at the top of society as if they are the 'kings. They always get what they want with little to no difficulty and can mostly get away with anything. Even their names have value in themselves. In other words, they are 'The Blessed ones.'

Then there are those on the other side of the spectrum, the ones born with nothing; no talent, no luck, and no one cares about them even if they're gone. Their existence is a joke, and if they somehow manage to survive, their lives are only miserable at best. No matter how hard they try or how determined they are, they can never achieve anything. Their names have no value and they can never find happiness. In other words, they are 'The Miserable Ones.'

And last, the ones who are born with similar qualities to the Miserable ones but still manage to live a good like the Blessed ones. Nothing they achieve is due to their worth or abilities, but by manipulating and exploiting others at every opportunity they get. Such scum will do anything and everything to get what they want. In other words, they are 'The Parasites.'

"So, Sahas, which one of them is you?" A tall man wearing a hat looked at him curiously. He donned a magician's outfit with a white robe along with a sleek black cape flowing to the ground, and some rich-looking accessories like earrings and a wristband. He gently stroked his moustache and sat with one leg crossed over his thigh while waiting for a reply.

Sahas looked at him and scratched his head. "I... don't believe I belong to any one of those categories, Uncle Ben." He replied after a while. "I am neither too talented nor too miserable, and I definitely don't exploit others."

"Hohoho, I get why you would say that." Ben laughed heartily, and then his expression turned grim. "Perhaps you are too young right now, but one day for sure you will understand what I mean. And when that day comes, your life will turn upside down."

Sahas furrowed his forehead and crossed his arms, scanning his surroundings for a clue. The garments and grocery shops outside, wooden chairs decorated with coloured fabric, wooden tables nicely adorned by a white tablecloth, the menu in front of him, other customers ordering food and coffee and strawberry cakes decorated with chocolate toppings and a creamy layer of Vanilla- "I think I will take the strawberry sweetcake." He decided, letting his arms fall and his forehead relax. "If possible, the ones with those custom decorations for kids!"

"Ah, hahaha, right." Ben's cheerful tone returned. "A jumbo strawberry delight for the young one over here!" he waved at the nearby waitress and shouted.

"On it!" She hurried off to fulfil the order.

"A jumbo one!? seriously?" Sahas leaned forward with a smile.

"Absolutely, it's your 13th birthday after all," Ben replied. "If there's anything else you want, don't hesitate and let me know."

"I see, in that case..."

'Hoy hoy, why is he thinking so hard about such a silly thing when he gave up on my complex psychological question within 5 seconds?' A smile appeared on Ben's face as he watched the little one browse through the entire menu for the 11th time. 'Children really live in a world of their own, don't they?'

"I think I will- um..." Sahas quickly reviewed the menu once again. "Go for another strawberry jumbo cake, a side of strawberry biscuits and a creamy strawberry shake!" He clasped his hands and rubbed them briskly, his shoulders tensed up as he waited for a response.

Ben looked at his face, then at the menu items he pointed to, and then back at his face. "You have quite a liking for strawberry, huh?" He remarked in a serious tone.

Ancient Gods Reboot - PrologueWhere stories live. Discover now