chapter 1

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What if tanjiro was the blood breathing user? There's not much to say about this so I'll just be going straight into the story. Before we start though I have some adjustments to as well as statements about this story. Number 1 tanjiro will not be a kamado in this what if his place will be taken by nezuko who will be the eldest member of the kamado family, he will still have the same hair and eyes. Second, this is going to be a harem. This will include some female characters including akaza, zenitsu, and inosuka. Be warned and if you have a problem you can kiss my ass. Third and finally Tanjiro is going to be born in the entertainment district. I'm sure you guys can connect the dots from there. Now on with the story.

The entertainment district, also known as the red light district, was in many people's opinion the greatest place to be. The bright lights the beautiful women and for some perverts the brothels. Tonight was no different, all except for one thing. The demon daki was currently disguised as her human counterpart warabihime. She was currently making her way out for a quick meal, a meal of human flesh. Walking down the streets despite still having plenty of humans stored in her sash deep underground she was in the mood for something fresher today. What am I in the mood for today? She wondered, i could have a man between the ages of 18 and 20 or a woman of age 16. Frowning at her own indecision she failed to notice where she was walking. Walking straight into a man who reeked of alcohol. Falling backwards a bit, Daki saw the man that was looking down at her. Well would you look at this. Seems to me like kami has blessed me with a cute toy to play with. Daki had heard this enough to understand his intentions. Inwardly smirking she allowed the man to drag her into the alley. Just as he had removed his clothing, Daki shot her obi sash at the man. Aiming carefully she used her obi sash to remove the man’s lower regions of their prized possession. Screaming and falling back the man tried to drag himself away, trying to escape. He felt a piercing pain in his legs before he felt nothing. Looking back he saw daki in her true form with two obi sashes separating his legs from his body. Desperately trying to escape the man was soon unable to move because of blood loss. Turning over he silently begged for mercy from the woman he now knew was a demon. Daki smirked down at the man raising her sash up and she decapitated the man, killing him instantly. Bending down, Daki began to drag her catch further down the alley before beginning her meal. When she had finished she was about to leave when from further down the alley she heard the sound of a child crying. Thinking about the possible dessert she could have she made her way down the alley reaching a small box. Inside the box was a small child no older than 7 months old. The child had a full head of black hair with burgundy tips. He had crimson red eyes staring back up at her. Daki was about to kill the child when suddenly the child began to smile. Despite having almost no teeth, the smile made daki hesitate for a moment. Relaxing daki picked the child up. Examining it she decided that she would call for her brother to get his opinion. Big brother she called. A skinny man with pale skin black hair and green tips appeared next to her. What is daki he asked. She showed the child to him. At first the man now named Gyutaro thought daki was offering her meal to him. But after daki took him back he tossed that thought to the side. What do you want to do with the child daki he asked. There's something about him, daki replied, something special. Making their way back to their layer. Gyutaro had decided to go and find a meal for himself since he was unable to eat before. Daki set the child down on her lap before calling out to someone. Lord muzan she said I need to speak with you. She called like this many more times before a voice sounded behind her. What do you need daki. Turning around the first thing daki did was bow to muzan showing her respect for the king of demons. After a few seconds like this, Muzan told daki to stand. Offering the child to muzan she explained that she found this child in an alley. Why didn’t you kill him? Muzan said, i know and you know you've killed children before. Why was this one any different? Daki replied, i was going to kill him but something caught my eye. He showed no fear to me and he appears to show no fear around gyutaro or your master. Nodding in confirmation, Muzan took the child in his arms. Using one of his many powers, Muzan explained the child's mind. Inside he saw a clear blue sky over an endless lake, all around him were small white humanoid shapes that were all helping each other. Looking disgusted at this, Muzan was about to exit the child's mindscape when he saw a shape in the distance. Making his way toward the shape, Muzan was shocked when he saw what was below the surface of the waters. And an endless storm below this time muzan smirked, exiting the mindscape he placed his hand on the child's neck. What are you planning lord muzan asked daki. I had a thought daki, he said, before pumping some of his blood into the child. Sire, said daki, his body couldn't handle the transformation. Do you intend to make this child a demon? Not quite daki said muzan. No doubt he will have my blood but I am only giving him the thinnest possible amount of blood. Turning him into what one would call a half demon. I intend to make this child my greatest weapon. Because of this I will be removing the curse of my name from him and yourself so he can know my name. As for why I am removing it from you, he will need someone to raise him. Daki, I choose you. Train him well and turn him into a killing machine if you must. I will return in 15 years. I expect him  to be up to par with upper moons by the time I return. Yes lord muzan. Muzan then disappeared leaving the child with daki. Just then gyutaro came in surprised to see the child still alive. Wondering why gyutaro asked daki why the boy was still alive. Daki explained the whole situation to gyutaro, smirking at this gyutaro tested the child by cutting along its arm. The cut had instantly healed showing that the injection procedure had worked. Daki then took the child into her own personal room that also happened to be her room at the brothel she worked at. Before she left, Gyutaro asked what they would call the boy. Daki took a moment to think before saying. Tanjro, his name will be tanjiro.

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