chapter 4 (S1 finale)

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Time skip 1 day

Reaching the mountain, Tanjiro took a whiff of the air. A member of the twelve kizuki is here, he told them. How do you know that? asked the three girls. I can smell them. He said I also smell four others, two females, and two males in total including the kizuki. I can't tell which one it is but I know they're up there. If you want to stay here you can. Are you crazy? asked nezuko there's no way you're going up there alone. I never ran from a fight and shouted inosuka. I'm staying here shouting zenitsu if it really is a kizuki up there I don't want to fight it. Well then zenitsu you could just stay here waiting for more demons to come to the mountain seeking refuge from the sun. not falling for it zenitsu sat down refusing to move. Choosing to leave her the group went up the mountain quickly coming across a demon. Or rather a person. The demon hunters that were there had been possessed somehow they were attacking each other as well as the group. Dodging sword slashes, Tanjiro drew his sword ready to kill the demon slayers. Don't kill them, shouted nezuko blocking with her own sword. They're already dead and the ones that are alive are being controlled like puppets. Inosuka, can you find the demon responsible for this shouted tanjiro. Shoving her swords in the ground inosuka bent down. Beast breathing 7th fang she said, spatial awareness. Scanning all over the mountain inosuka found the demon and in seconds found it she yelled before trying to run off. She was stopped by tanjiro grabbing her shoulder. Thank You inosuka he said before throwing her into the air back down the mountain. He soon attempted to do the same thing to nezuko but was stopped by a large bulky demon with the head of a spider. How dare you come here and hurt my family. Punching tanjiro he was forced to crash into a tree. Trying to stand up he found he was unable to move. He felt someone lift him up. Tanjiro, tanjiro yelled nezuko, are you ok? I'm fine , he said but you have to leave. This one is stronger than even I am . I need you to leave please. you know i can't do that she said. I wasn't asking, he said before throwing her back down the mountain. Standing back up, Tanjiro threw his sword down and I surrendered, he said to the demon in front of him. I may not look it but i'm a demon too he said activating his demon form. I was charged with destroying the demon slayers by lord muzan to find the leaders and kill them. Well then said the demon you should come with me. Rui will want to see you.

Pov nezuko

As nezuko landed on the ground at the foot of the mountain she turned to inosuka and zenitsu i'm going back she said your coming with me. Hell no, said zenitsu. I won't said inosuka, tanjiro was serious she said and a proper mate should always submit to her male.

Note inosuka said that because she was raised by boars and in the wild it's often the females that submit to the males it is not something sexist.

Fine then I'll go alone, said nezuko before marching back up the mountain.

Pov tanjiro

The demon now known as father had led tanjiro to a large run down cabin. Leading him inside, Tanjiro sat down in front of the apparent leader. A small demon close to the size of a child was sitting there next to some candles. So father tells me that you are a demon who joined the demon slayers on orders from lord muzan. Tanjiro said nothing, only chuckled. Wow you demons sure are stupid he said looking at rui and the father then to the one with the spider body no doubt the son. He looked at the spider mother and daughter they were cowering in the corner. Continuing to laugh, Tanjiro spoke up. You demons really brought a demon slayer into your main base. Muzan instructed me to kill every demon I come across regardless of rank so you're gonna die. Tanjiro rushed forward claws coming out grabbing them father and son by the head bones skewering them. Turning around he rushed at rui getting caught in the strings cutting his face. The cuts healed instantly. Blood demon art he said spinal sword pulling a bone sword from his back tanjiro made to cut off rui's head. Slicing through the neck of rui tanjiro killed him quicker than anything. When he was done he looked over to the two females hiding in the corner. Walking over he bent down. Do you want to die too? Quickly shaking their heads the two cowered even harder. Smiling Tanjiro held out his hand. I won't kill you. You're too pretty to kill. Walking out of the cabin they came face to face with nezuko. Nezuko said, "Tanjiro, why are you here?" Tanjiro desperately tried to salvage the situation but was unable to. Realizing he was still in demon mode, Tanjiro changed back. So this is why you're so strong, said nezuko. This whole time you've been a demon. Tanjiro wanted to refuse but it was pointless because Nezuko had seen him. Yes he finally said, i'm a demon well half demon in this case but demon nonetheless. Deciding to release all his secrets to her he explained his whole story to her. How he was raised by the upper moons six gyutaro and daki, how he had one friend named himari, how he had to kill her and her family. When I said a demon killed my family, I meant it, I was the demon. Muzan kibutsuji forced me into it. For my entire life I was told that demons were gods that we were perfect, and I believed it. But after seeing that muzan has no regard for human life as well as the lives of the demons he controls, I began to see things differently. He told me I had to find ubayashiki and kill him to destroy the demon slayers. At first I was all for it but now I don't even know what I want. Nezuko was silent, then she said, i hate you. I hate you and I hate demons, dont talk to me, don't look at me, don't even bother thinking about me. I don't ever want to see your face again, she said before walking away. Suddenly there was a clapping and out of the shadows walked a demon. Well well well, would you look at this? I get here to kill some demons for lord muzan and I get to kill two demon slayers. Well then you two are going to die by the hands of the upper moon two hairo. Blood demon art artillery manipulation he said as a large swarm of guns appeared from his body all aiming for tanjiro and nezuko. Fire said hairo as the guns fired apon the group tearing through tanjiro's and nezuko's bodies. Blood breathing secret form said tanjiro saviors mercy. The holes that were in nezuko instantly closed up leaving perfectly clear skin in its place. Rushing forward, Hairo's cape billowed in the wind. Ten black shadow wolves erupted from his cape each with a different weapon. Tanjiro transformed to fight hairo black flame markings covering his face. The first shadow wolf, holding a katana rushed to its master's aid. Swinging upward the shadow wolf cut tanjiro's arm clean off. Screaming in pain, Tanjiro slashed at the wolf attempting to destroy it. His attack unfortunately passed right through the wolf. Focusing tanjiro instantly regrew his arm, looking at hairo tanjiro felt only anger as the black flames spread further across his body.

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