chapter 5 (S2 finale)

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A/N: WARNING this was rushed because my friend had a trip to go on so it might not be the same quality as the last 4 also from now on I will be posting every week or so he can have more time to make th chapters better also this was pre-written story up until S2 we're not sure if we will continue it because we're working on another story in the meantime if you have any questions I'll leave a section at the end for you guys to put your questions there

Time skip 2 days
Tanjiro and daki had been going at it for two days straight; they lost count of all the times Tanjiro climaxed inside or on them. By the end of it they were covered by each other's sweat, saliva, and special juices. They would have tried to go longer but daki had to return to the red light district to ensure her brother didn't come looking for her. Before she left though, she left a little gift for tanjiro. To Tanjiro's surprise it was a pair of pink green and white lotus panties. Tanjiro took these and hid them in his own little pocket dimension that he made after eating a part of the swamp demon. Using his blood mimicry technique he had created his own pocket dimension. Not a swamp but what many would label as the ideal man cave. Soon after tanjiro and nezuko left the village themselves, tanjiro had to carry her part of the way since she had pushed herself to the limits of her stamina despite being given the demon blood injection every hour or so to help keep her from breaking. In the next village they stopped at tanjiro and told nezuko that he was no longer following muzan but would still keep up charades to ensure that muzan wouldn’t come to hurt her. Shortly after this tanjiro was summoned to a meeting by lord muzan. When he arrived he was shocked to see that every member of the twelve kizuki was there excluding the ones tanjiro and nezuko killed on their last mission. Looking to his right he saw the lower moons and to his left he saw the uppe moons including daki, gyutaro, and akaza. He didn't recognise the others though he could tell they were several leagues stronger than him. Welcome twelve kizuki said muzan who appeared in front of them all to his left there was a girl wearing long black yukata with flower printing on it. She had long black hair and crimson red eyes the same as muzan’s. Welcome said muzan once again as every demon there bowed including tanjiro. There is no need to bow, said muzan for I gathered you all here to tell you of a grand scheme I have put into place. But first you lower moons are useless to me so die. Every lower moon demon excluding tanjiro proceeded to wither away and die the only exception was the upper moon 1 enmu who praised muzan for choosing to kill him instead of letting some other demon do it. Muzan smirked at this walking up to enmu he injected a large portion of blood into enmu causing him to spasm in pain which since he is a psychopath it might as well have been a constant source of pleasure. After enmu had finished, muzan dismissed him, turning to the upper moons. Now onto my announcement, first I want to introduce you to my daughter mei. In Case you're wondering where she came from she has been helping me from the shadows. She mercilessly killed her mother who was abusing her to prove her loyalty to me. In turn , she has been by my side for many years now and with my help she far exceeds even your power, kokushibo. Now as for my third and final announcement I would like to introduce one of my recent creation tanjiro. Tanjiro, will you please come down here asked muzan. Tanjiro walked down to muzan bowing to the two most powerful demons in front of him. There is no need to bow, said muzan, you are the guest of honor. May I present tanjiro chinobi. He is , as you may have guessed, not a normal demon. He is in fact a half demon but he has found a way to gain strength without consuming human flesh instead he only drinks blood. He was also raised and trained by our resident demon siblings daki and gyutaro. Would the two of you please come down here. That's right, said daki leaning on Tanjiro's shoulders when she got down. Big brother and I raised tanjiro. I taught him manners so he wouldn't be a savage, at least not in bed. She added under her breath that no one could hear her except tanjiro. And gyutaro taught him combat skills. Thankyou said muzan As for why my daughter is here as well, she will as part of my plan to make a new race of demons that can conquer the sun, marry tanjiro chinobi and bear his children. What say you mei. Mei simply looked forward. I shall serve you in any way possible father. And what about you? Tanjiro asked muzan. I don't want to force her into anything if she’s on board with it. I am but if she loses interest or doesn't want to be part of this I will respect that. I can't say the same for you lord muzan but i can only hope you will see eye to eye with me on this. Well spoken my boy well then by the power vested in me as demon king i pronounce these two wed they are now unified for eternity. Now then you all can go now. As the kizuki were leaving the upper moon two douma spoke up. Oh please said douma, lord muzan why does this new guy get all the hotties. I’ve been loyal to you the whole time I've been a demon and you never once let me even touch you daughter. I didn’t know she even existed. I want to squeeze some demon breasts. I've gotten bored of human boobs and I really want to touch some boobs. Maybe daki's. I hear she feels as soft as silk. Tanjiro gritted his teeth. This was true but he hated that it had to be this pervert that said it. And what about nakime, she may have one eye but i don't care the fact that she killed her husband only turns me on. And as for akaza-chan. Her outfit is just so exotic she reminds me of a genie. Shut up said tanjiro, shut the fuck up. Hm what did you say douma. I said shut the fuck up you perveted old bastard. Secretly daki and akaza were desperately trying to hold back their laughter. Perhaps you'd like to fight said douma no longer his cheerful self. Yeah sure, said tanjiro, I mean it's not like it will be hard. Not that you’d know anything about that. Douma was pissed now not only had he been called old by someone hundreds of years younger than him but the same person had now said his prize never gets hard. Shut up, said douma. You shut up said tanjiro. That's why you're weak, said douma. That's why your family’s dead. Dead as hell, you think you're so strong what's their strength at. What power do they have in the ground? That's why your mommy died because your daddy made her feel too good. I can tell you didnt get it from either of them, you limp dick loser. Daki and akaza were now bursting out laughing. Mei was currently red in the face, desperately choking back a laugh. To Tanjiro's amazement, Muzan was smiling. If muzan was ok with it he could keep going. What's a little baby douma gonna do when a real man pulls up. Oh yeah screamed douma if i’m not a man neither are you. You wanna bet said tanjiro blood breathing fourth form ronin. Blood blades cut at douma deliberately missing all vital spots in favor of another spot. When they had finally left douma and everyone watched as his pants turned to confetti revealing his 1 inch long centimeter wide shaft. Hahahahah i knew it shouted tanjiro laughing his ass off. That said, douma instantly makes more clothes. I will kill you. Douma lunged at tanjiro ready to kill. Blood demon art lotus vines shouted douma creating vines from ice that attempted to kill tanjiro. Take this he said. Yeah right, said tanjiro, chisuke he thought he needed to be taught a lesson. Very well brat i’ll let you have some power. Black flame markings spread over tanjiro’s body and his eyes became blood red. Take this said tanjiro sounding as if he was speaking with someone else's voice as well as his own. Blood breathing secret from blood angel merciless pain. Douma screams filled the room as tanjiro walked over to him. Bending over tanjiro with an insane look in his eye stared at douma. You know he said as douma writhed in agony, you don’t need a penis if it is this small he said as tanjiro made a blood hand that proceeded to rip doumar's penis off and shoving it up his ass. Every time the penis grew back the hand would rip it off and shove it up the ass with the other. Alright that's enough, said muzan finally. At this, Tanjiro backed off. Douma said muzan if you weren't so powerful, I'd kill you right now. But since I'm feeling generous I let you go. Yes lord muzan said douma as he struggled to get up. He then teleported back to his own lair leaving the remaining upper moons. Gyokko, hantegu you're dismissed, said muzan. The upper moons 4 and five then left, leaving daki, gyutaro, akaza, and kokushibo. Kokushibo i want to test Tanjiro's true strength against you if you don't mind. Of course not lord muzan said kokushibo his six eyes flaming at the chance to enhance his own skill. Nakime said muzan made an arena for them. Yes lord muzan saud nakime strumming her biwa causing the castle to change shape into a battle arena with kokushibo and tanjiro in the center. Tanjiro, since he had lost his sword, had to use a bone sword. Fighters ready said muzan fight. Tanjiro rushed at kokushibo ready to deliver a blow. Kokushibo merely dodged, not bothering to draw his sword. Damn he’s fast, said tanjiro rushing back to cut kokushibo. Sloppy, slow, predictable said kokushibo accurately predicting tanjiro’s attacks. You're not worth my time said kokushibo punching Tanjiro in the gut. Kokushibo grabbed a fistfull of tanjiro’s hair holding him up to his face. You are pathetic and you dare have my blood flowing through you. What are you talking about, said Tanjiro. 500 years ago before I became a demon , I had a family and a child but I left them in pursuit of my ambitions. You are a distant offspring of that child I left. Damn you, said tanjiro. Damn you straight to hell. Where do you think I'm from said kokushibo. When I finish with you I'll kill that whore daki and her pathetic brother. Then I'll go and kill all those humans you seem so fond of. What was that one's name nezuko? I think I'll start with her and make you watch. Fuck you uttered tanjiro before taking in a breath. You think breathing will save you here said kokushibo. Nah, I'm gonna attack said Tanjiro, his black flame marking spreading over his entire body. Chisuke is said to be tanjiro before his face is completely enveloped in shadow. Suddenly there was a burst of power that forced kokushibo to let tanjiro go. Looking back they all watched as tanjiro or rather chisuke as he had said stood back up. His glowing red eyes with black horns protruding from his head a red x appearing on his chest and shoulders. Time to die said a true demonic voice that flooded the area with killer intent. Outside in the real world the night air had become cold and heavy. The moon turned blood red and the sky turned pitch black. To all who stared at the moon they felt the distinct feeling that someone had incurred a god's wrath and was now going to suffer for it. Back with the fight I'm gonna copy that demon that nearly killed tanjiro. Black shadow swords formed from tanjiro’s blood formed in chisuke’s hands. As seven demonic shadows came from Chisuke's back. Meet the seven deadly sins. As the shadows took form they revealed 7 demonic creatures each with the kanji for their sin branded on their chest. Wrath was a tall muscular male figure wearing black battle armor carrying twin battle axes. He had long spiky black hair and cold dead eyes. Sloth was a female figure with a skinny waist and high d cup breasts. She had deep amethyst eyes and short spiky hair held into a spiky bun in the back. She carried a long obsidian spear in her left hand with a small buckler in her right. Gluttony was a large borderline fat creature with a largemouth and small beady eyes. Its arms had been fashioned into flails. Envy was a small child-like creature with emerald green eyes and black curly hair. He carried a black bow with a quiver full of soul arrows. greed was a tall spiky haired man with four arms along with black tattoos signifying the mark of a thief. He carried twin daggers which he kept sheathed on his legs along with several dozen more strapped to his chest and ribs. He had yellow eyes. Pride was tall and lanky with large wings and horns he had deep crimson eyes and used an obsidian greatsword. Lust was skinny with high e cup breasts, smooth skin long sleek black hair and an outfit that was more revealing and tighter around the special areas than daki’s with a black choker around her neck. She carried a black bullwhip in her left hand and a pair of handcuffs on her belt . to say she was beautiful would be an understatement she resembled what many would call a goddess in disguise. She had deep pink eyes. All were wearing black battle armor with the exception of lust and all had deep red skin. Ah so you finally summon us once more lord chisuke said pride. Yeah that's right am i’m not in charge anymore this brat i’m currently controlling is in time he’ll summon you all but i doubt he can handle all of you especially you lust. Lust only giggled coming closer to chisuke. Oh master, can I please see the face of the man you want me to serve. Chisuke revealed the face of tanjiro. Lust gasped, oh a child even better. Lust control yourself, said Chisuke regaining control. I need you all to help me with this fake demon here. Wrath looked over at kokushibo who was currently on the verge of shitting themself. You call yourself a demon said wrath in a low gravelly voice. I’ll destroy you said Wrath, swinging his axes at Kokushibo's neck. Kokushibo had barely dodged before the other demons were on him. Damn said kokushibo moon breathing first from the dark moon evening palace. Dozens of crescent moon slashes erupted from Kokushibo's sword, slashing the sins apart. he then became terrified for the first time since yoriichi almost killed him. The sins were regenerating all with looks of pure bliss on their faces as their decapitated heads attached to their bodies. My turn said chisuke crouching low still holding the swords. Come on back said chisuke as the sins turned back into shadows going back into chisuke. Tanjiro got this from the kamado girl he said as both swords erupted into flames. Sun breathing he said taking a breath fourth form. Kokushibo and muzan were now both terrified. Mei was blushing heavily, Daki was creaming herself and Akasa watched, not noticing that she herself was creaming. Burning bones said chisuke blitzing forward. Summer sun he said spinning in mid air slicing kokushibo into pieces. What do you think? I haven't lost since not since.

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