Apr 15, 2023 // 2:56 (waves)

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Sound of waves- won't be forgotten

That moment when I was telling my ambitions

Advices you told me made me enlighten

Wanted to say; you are one of my inspirations

Didn't know you'd say goodbye too early,

Never expected that will be the last time ill be able to see you

This pain kills me mercilessly

Everytime I realize things that i wish i told you

Are you pleased with my achievements?

Do you still worry about my improvements?

You know? I'd rather sleep forever

Than be drowned by these thoughts

Knowing that those memories ; I always remember

Will just make me suffer on emotional assaults

I want to say, on giving advice; you were really great

Being so encouraged by the words you said that made me continue

To keep on thriving for that mysterious fate

That only myself, in the future- can view.

Wish that I cherished those moments. Even more, I wish I knew.

In the end, these poem can only express a thing that keeps a burden to my heart-

I really miss you.


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2023 ⏰

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