Discreet school masterbation 1

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1...take glass marbles/firm plastic balls/rubber balls of the same size preferably medium size. If you are using marbles make sure these aren't the type to shatter easily as this will cause fatalities and diseases like TSS which usually can kill you
2...one by one cover with line and put it in your vagina until the last marble is not properly fitting inside for me that's about 5 marbles with the 5 the one slightly protruding
3...rub more lube around your clitoris
4...wear panties (or bloomers) which are tight around your crotch as you don't want these marbles to fall out of your vagina so the panties hold it in place and even in the case it does fall out then it doesn't fall to the floor and shatter in the case of glass marbles
5...walk around with these in you
6...when the time comes to take them out just reach in with your fingers and be careful that you don't accidentally scratch yourself with your nails. Remember don't stress and tighten your kegel muscles and just push like your are giving birth to a child while reaching in with your fingers. There is no where for the balls to go as your cervix exists
7...just don't keep them in too long at a time(more than a few hours

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