benefits of masturbation

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Did you know that for girls masturbating can have a lot of health benefits along with empowering women along with just mindless fun? Why should we gals masturbate.?

i have included many articles of trusted sites to back up my statements

1...compared to the large number of men who always orgasm during sex there is a disparity as very few women who do. Many men don't even believe that women deserve to feel any kind of sexual pleasure. Though during foreplay and clitorial stimulation women do orgasm but how many men really care about us

2...masturbating has so many benefits. too many for me to even type. just check out the links for the studies anf factual evidences but in brief:For women, masturbation can relieve period cramps and increase orgasms, reduce stress, headaches, imsomnia, etc

3...for women that are in relationships remember how can some one give you pleasure, or even know how to pleasure you if you don't know how yourself. so it improves sexual relationships for both yourself and your partner. always empowers women whether its done in private or shouted out to the world. though shouting it out will empower more women and encourage them to come out in the open about this. men mostly put the stigma against women masturbating and this is because thay always use us. why would anyone even want to focus on someone elses pleasure so just blackmail them through generations of stigma so that you dont have to, am i right? a majority of women nowadays do masturbate but they are just ashamed to tell anyone

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