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In a parallel universe, where Verosika and Barbie Wire found themselves in an unexpected situation, the two demonesses stumbled upon a room filled with colorful helium balloons. Their curiosity piqued, they couldn't resist the temptation to have a little fun.

With wicked grins on their faces, Verosika and Barbie Wire each grabbed a balloon and took turns inhaling the helium gas. Instantly, their voices transformed into high-pitched, squeaky tones that were almost unrecognizable.

"Like, oh my gosh, Verosika, this is like totally insane!" squeaked Barbie Wire, her eyes widening with excitement.

Verosika burst into giggles, her usually sultry voice now an amusing falsetto. "I know, right? This is like, the craziest thing ever!"

They continued to exchange absurdly high-pitched sentences, their laughter echoing through the room. "We should totally, like, go to Earth and, like, prank some humans with our helium voices!" suggested Barbie Wire, her helium-induced excitement showing no signs of waning.

Verosika nodded enthusiastically, her laughter making it difficult to speak. "Oh my, yes! Imagine the humans' reactions when they hear our, like, super high voices!"

With their helium-enhanced voices, Verosika and Barbie Wire conjured up silly scenarios and playful banter, their antics growing more hilarious by the minute. Passersby in the demon realm couldn't help but stop and stare, bewildered by the sight of two powerful demonesses sounding like giggling chipmunks.

Eventually, their laughter subsided, and the effects of the helium began to wear off. Verosika and Barbie Wire looked at each other, tears of amusement still glistening in their eyes.

"Wow, that was, like, the most fun ever!" exclaimed Barbie Wire, her voice returning to its usual sultry tone.

Verosika nodded, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Indeed, Barbie. Who would have thought that demonesses could sound so... ridiculously adorable?"

As they left the room of helium balloons, their laughter echoed down the corridors, leaving a trail of bemused and entertained demons in their wake. Verosika and Barbie Wire had just experienced a lighthearted and unexpected adventure, a memory they would forever cherish, helium-induced silliness and all.

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