abby x kenma

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In a virtual realm where tweets and posts brought people together, Kenma and Abby's connection blossomed as mutuals on both Twitter and Tumblr. Their shared interests in gaming, anime, and witty humor formed a strong bond that often made their interactions feel like an inside joke.

One day, while scrolling through her timeline, Abby felt a rush of courage. She decided to share her feelings for Kenma, the quiet but intriguing presence that had captured her attention. Flushed with both anticipation and nervousness, Abby drafted a heartfelt post on her secret side account. Pouring her emotions onto the screen, she confessed her admiration for Kenma's quiet confidence and endearing quirks.

Unbeknownst to Abby, as she composed her tweet, her fingers fumbled and she accidentally published it to her main account, visible to all her followers. Panic coursed through her as she realized her mistake, and her cheeks turned a shade of crimson that rivaled the most vibrant of sunsets. She quickly deleted the post, but the damage had been done – her confession had been out in the open, if only for a brief moment.

Across the digital divide, Kenma continued his usual routine of gaming and browsing social media. He'd always enjoyed his interactions with Abby, feeling an inexplicable warmth whenever they conversed. Yet, as he scrolled through his feed, he noticed a cryptic tweet from Abby, mentioning someone who sounded oddly like him. Unbeknownst to him, it was her deleted confession that he had stumbled upon.

Misinterpreting the tweet, Kenma's thoughts turned analytical as he pondered the reference. He wondered if it was related to a new game, a character, or even a meme that he hadn't yet caught onto. His earnest naivety blinded him to the possibility that the tweet was directed at him.

Growing increasingly anxious, Abby fretted over her accidental confession. What if Kenma had seen it? She considered coming clean, explaining her feelings, but the fear of embarrassment held her back. Then, one day, as they were chatting about a shared favorite anime, Kenma hesitated before asking a question that had been plaguing his thoughts.

"Hey, Abby," he began, his voice tinged with a hint of awkwardness, "I saw a tweet of yours a while back, and it seemed like you were talking about someone... Do you mind telling me who it was about?"

Abby's heart raced as she read the message. It was her chance to address the situation, to put her feelings on the line. Summoning her courage, she typed out a response, confessing that the tweet had indeed been about him. She explained the mix-up, her cheeks flushing anew even though they were miles apart.

Kenma's usually stoic expression softened as he read Abby's words. He had never been the best at picking up social cues, but the clarity of her confession couldn't be ignored. A small smile tugged at his lips, and he typed out a simple response, "I had a feeling... I'm glad you clarified."

And so, in the world of tweets and posts, where words often carried more weight than in real life, Kenma and Abby's connection deepened. The accidental tweet had opened a door that neither had expected, and as they continued their interactions, they both realized that the warmth they felt was mutual. It was the beginning of a beautiful journey, where feelings once hidden behind screens bloomed into something real and heartfelt.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2023 ⏰

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