Chapter 3

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*Leeknow peeks*

Hey! *jisung looks at him*

*Leeknow immediately turned back*

You were peeking! *crosses arm* why were you peeking, huh?

*leeknow laughs* I wasn't peeking

*Han sighs* Whatever you say

*After being in the pool for an hour*

Leeknow? Are you hungry? If you are, we could order some food

*leeknow looks at him*

Yeah, I am. You could order the food. Im fine with anything.

Okay, I'll just order pizza since I am craving pizza.

*leeknow nods and smiles at han*

So what do you want to do while we wait?

*After 10 minutes, the doorbell rings*

I'll get that!

*opens door, and gets the pizza*

Mmm! That looks good

Yeah it looks so tasty, I can't wait to eat

*leeknow and han take a bite*

Mm! That tastes so good

*After they were done eating, they watched a video*

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