Hope's sweet sweet revenge

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"Hope Harris, Mr. Harvens will see you and Trisha lockwoods now. Please follow me"

The farther I walk down this hallway the harder my heart pounds and the harder Trish squeezes my hand, and as we turn the corner I see the door open and my teacher standing in the doorway with the principal. I look at Trish with confusion and she whispers in my ear, "When I 'went' to the bathroom I took a detour to our teacher's classroom and  told her a bit about what was going on so she knew why you left so abruptly and why we never came back."

I couldn't believe what she did but I wasn't mad because the fact that the teacher was there and with the look on her face it showed she cared, which was a relief and some weight was lifted off my shoulder knowing someone other than Trish cared and believed me. When we stepped inside there were two police officers, a nurse, the principal, my teacher, and a social worker. I didn't know what I was supposed to do, or how nor where to start. The principal muttered out that I was to explain what has been going on at my home life, then to make a formal statement with the police officers, and after that the nurses will check to see if I show any physical wounds, but there was one thing that he said that came in like slow motion, "Trisha will have to leave during this process".

(in Hope's head)

I couldn't do this without Trish in here, I mean she is the whole reason I am in here in the first place.

(back in reality)

"Please don't take Trish away, I need her in here if it wasn't for her I would've never left that bathroom floor, or come into this office. And if I had left the bathroom floor it would've been after the class was over and into the next one which would've called for a call home. And I would have gotten twice as hard of a beating because of it and I would have been next to dead if not. So please don't take her away, don't make her leave."

They ended up letting her stay as I told them about everything that I had gone through since my dad passed away and my mom got remarried to the guy now known as my step dad Trevor. While I was telling them everything you could see the color leaving the principal and nurses face from terror and agony for me, but the cops looked at me with sympathy and empathy as though this was something they hear everyday. Which they probably do. Our teacher though she left before I even got to the second week after the honeymoon because she had to 'use' the restroom, but I knew and the officers knew she couldn't bear to hear another word. Trish was holding my hand silently crying because she felt horrible that she knew nothing of this. Even though she saw me almost every single day.

After making the formal statement I had to go into a separate room with the nurse so she could check to see the damage that Trevor had inflicted on me. Trish wasn't able to come into the room with me because I was taking off my shirt and pants to show the lady everything so she didn't miss one piece. We were all done with looking at the damage on my torso and lower half of my body and as I was putting on my shirt and pulling up my pants my beanie fell off and the giant bald spot started to show as my hair was falling down into my face. And she asked me "did he do that too?" I replied, "my missing hair? Yeah he  did that because I kept squirming trying to escape his fist, so he grabbed a chunk of my hair and threw me against the wall into the inverted corner." She didn't say much after that other than, "we are done here, please follow me back out to the main office room." She handed the report to the officers and they stood there for a second and then said, "Come with me, we're gonna take a ride." So me and Trish grabbed our bags and jumped in the police car with Officer Graceland. I asked, "where are we going?"

"We are going to your house, we have an officer following us which is where your stepfather will ride and we have two more officers that are going to meet us there for back up just in case he decides to go down in a blaze of glory."

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