Prison break

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So today is my step-dad's hearing with the judge, and I have to go in there to make a statement on the stand, my mom was going to meet us there. I am petrified, I mean the last time I confronted him he was being taken away in a police car, and it wasn't like I just walked away from that day on my two feet. I just want all of this to be over, and I just want to put him behind me and never have to think or hear from him again. I mean is it really too much to ask for. While I was getting things together before we headed out, Trish came into my new room and just stood there like a dork.

"Yes? Do you need something?"

"I'm just checking on you, how are you feeling?" She said with this puppy dog face knowing that I would tell her if she did it.

"I mean it has been a month since I've been in the hospital, and I am about to help put my step dad away for good. So I guess I am doing pretty good, just a little nervous about this hearing."

"There is nothing to be worried or nervous about, he is going away for good. He not only abused you, but he put an officer in the hospital. So this is an open shut case."

"Yeah I guess."

"Girls, let's go, we don't want to be late!" her mom yelled from downstairs and in the garage. On our way down the stairs I felt this sharp pain in my head, and everything started to go black and I started to lose my balance and leaned forward and put my hand on Trish's shoulder. Once I did that everything started to fade back to normal. I didn't want to say anything because then she would worry and we wouldn't be able to get to this hearing to put Trevor away. So I brushed it off as if nothing happened.

(split to her step-dad) (Trevors perspective)

"Did you get what I asked for?" I said sternly standing tall with the meanest face I had, so this dude knew I wasn't afraid to slam into the ground.

"Yes muscle relaxers and pain relievers, but not strong enough to make you loopy or tired," he said, trembling.

"Good now get out of my face!"

He ran away, and I walked back to my spot in the courtyard. It isn't too horrible here, but I ain't staying. I got a way out, I don't care who comes down with me. The guards came out to bring us back to our cells, and I walked towards them thinking if I really wanted to I could go now. Except they got sniper guards over our heads, and I don't know how far I would get before I would be shot. I am not looking to die. Walking through the hallway, back to my cell one of the guards came up to me, motioning for me to step out of line and to follow him.

"Come with me, we are taking you to your hearing now, it has moved up."

I didn't want to go, but it was my only way to tell the judge that that little bitch step-daughter has been a nightmare to deal with and she deserves everything that came to her. I stepped out of line and walked with him, he made me walk in front of him. Seems like he doesn't trust me, he'll come to see no matter what, you can't escape the inevitable. They put chains on my wrist binding them together and also chains on my ankles binding those together. I was expecting them to make it to where my hands were behind my back, not in front of me. We got outside and started walking to the transportation vehicle, and they pushed me inside and then the one guard and police officer got in the front and now we are off to the hearing.

(back to Hope and in her perspective)

The closer and closer we got the more nervous I got. I felt like I was going to get up there on the stand and freeze and not be able to mutter anything out. Which will only show Trevor that he still can get to me and that I am still afraid of him, which I wish wasn't true, but how am I supposed to just brush all of that shit off, it has only been a little over a month since everything went down. I also had this horrible feeling that something wasn't right which didn't help out my nerves. I looked over at Trish and she seemed more nervous than me.

(10 minutes later back to Hope's step dad)

We were traveling down the road and I waited till we were a little out of town. "Hey where are we at?"

"That doesn't concern you, stay quiet back there."

And with that I was ready because I wasn't going to sit back here to await my inevitable doom. I pop the pain relievers just in case they hit me or shit, I don't wanna feel that. I swung my arms up and got the chain around the driver's neck and pulled back making him release the steering wheel to grab the chain and as the guard went to grab his taser I swung my leg and pulverized his face into the wind shield. The transportation van keeps going and is gaining speed as we are now going down hill. I wasn't quite paying attention to the road because I was looking for the two sets of keys and taking the officer's gun and the guard's taser so they couldn't take me down.


(outer explanation)

 The vehicle hits a warning rail and flies through it plumpting all three passengers off the side of the road and off the cliff.

(30 seconds after crash, Trevor's perspective)

What in the world just happened, we were headed down straight away. When did we get to this area of the road! Oh hell nah, you're not ruining my escape. I say while shooting the taser into the guards neck, killing him. I checked the officer's pulse to see if he happened to be alive, and he was dead as well. I found the two sets of keys and unlocked myself out of these chains and then broke the window to get out of this van. I didn't exactly know where to go so I just started running further down the hill till I found a main road other than the one up the cliff. I wasn't going to be seen coming from the crime scene. All I know is that I am never coming back to the life that I once knew.

(15 minutes after the crash at the courthouse, Hope's perspective)

We have been waiting here for about 25 minutes because the hearing was delayed due to complications 'in the courthouse'. I was starting to get antsy because I felt like there was something else that we weren't being told.

(4 minutes later)

We were taken into the courtroom and were told to sit down as two officers went to the door and locked it from the outside, and then there were three guards by the judge and two by us, all of them were armed. "What's going on?" I said I was scared because I have never been in this situation let alone being guarded by so many cops.

"Forgive me for this, but we lost contact with the officer and guard that were bringing your step father here. And about 3 minutes ago the transportation van was found at the bottom of a cliff at the beginning of the S-turns coming into town. Both the officer and the guard were dead and their weapons were missing and your step-fathers chains were on the ground. Your step father is in the wind, and we have no leads on where he is, so you will stay here guarded by these officers, just in case he comes to get revenge or something to that degree."

                                                                            He is what?!?

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