The name on the grave

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(4 hours later)

We have been in this courtroom for hours, and we haven't heard any type of update about my step dad. They just kept the officers around us with the door locked shut. I was getting antsy and also a little annoyed with the fact that we are being kept in the dark. With everything I've gone through I deserve to be told where he is or what they have on him. I escaped him once barely, I don't think I could get away again. One of the officers near me left and went up to the judge's podium area. I was confused because he was ordered not to leave our sides unless we had to go to the bathroom. Also the judge wasn't up there. So why did he go up there? The three officers that were supposed to be watching the judge came through the door to the right of the podium, and walked up to the officer who was supposed to be with us. They started talking, but I couldn't exactly make out what they were saying. So I elbowed Trish to see if she could figure it out. She just shook her head and went back to the magazine that she borrowed from the outside.

"Girl, did you think Trevor's hearing was going to be boring?" I said looking at her with the magazine.

"You never know, also this one is the latest issue, and so I took the chance to read it. Who knew it would be the only thing to do for the next 4 hours."

I just gave a slight chuckle and went back to analyzing the officers up by the podium. They seemed to know something, but were keeping it between the four of them.

(Split to Trevor in his perspective) (4 hours earlier)

I've made it to this wooden area and I don't know where to go. Other than to just keep running till I find somewhere to set up tent. The pain from the car crash was starting to flare up. I feel like I have been run over by a planet, so I popped two of the pan relievers and one of the muscle relaxers and kept running.

(4 hours later)

I've been traveling by foot for hours and came across this cabin, I walked up to it and noticed the lights on. I moved the gun to my back and the taser stayed in the little bag that I syfed off of the guard. When approaching the deck of the cabin I could hear a T.V going on in the next room from the door. I knocked on the door and stepped back waiting for someone to answer.

(split to people inside the cabin their perspective)

"Markus, who is at the door?" I said while cooking lunch for Addie and Roy.

Marcus got up from his office chair to go check on the door, but was beaten by the little 8 year old boy Roy who looked through the window and yelled, "it is the man we saw earlier on the T.V. Do we let him in?"

"Roy, get away from the door!" Marcus yelled, scared for his son's life while running towards him.

(split back to Trevor's perspective)

After knocking I heard yelling from the other side of the door, and got worried that I might be made and I am not looking to go back to prison. I went to barge through the door, but instead it swung open and I grabbed my gun and shot.

"Roy!" the dad screams in agony of his kids death since I shot him in between the eyes. The dad started to charge me and I pulled up the gun and shot him through the chest twice. I walked inside checking his pulse and there wasn't any. I go around the corner to see this little girl with her mom holding her with her back pressed against the wall, and knowing that they would call 911 once I left, if they hadn't already. I grabbed the taser and tasered them to knock them out and then shot both through the head so they didn't suffer too much. The little girl couldn't have been no older than 3, maybe 4. I went over to the phone to check if they made any outgoing calls at the last minute and there were none. So I took that chance knowing that I wasn't made to take each one of the family members out to their backyard to bury them in a shallow grave. I wasn't afraid of being heard or seen by neighbors since the family lived in the middle of nowhere. I looked to my right, noticing a garden with all types of flowers, and decided that that was a perfect spot. So I brought the family over there and started to dig one hole big enough to set them all in. So they could lie as a family one last time, that would last for an eternity.

(5 minutes later)

I have sat here by the grave for a couple minutes, trying to figure out where I went wrong. I didn't want to kill them. I just needed to use their phone to call a few officers I knew that would take a bullet for me and who were part of a plan that was already in the process with those officers, that all I needed to do was give them the word to finish it.

I got up from the ground looking at the hand dug grave one last time, and then walked inside to go grab the phone to make the call. I got on the phone and waited as it rang. While waiting I just looked out their kitchen window back at the grave, wondering how I managed to kill them. I mean am I that horrible of a person. I kept thinking about it and noticed what a monster I have become. I didn't used to be like this. I had a home in a suburban area and I had 2 adorable little munchkins named Mia and Tilly. They were my world, my everything and their mother. She was an angelic human being who lit up the room when she walked in. Oh and her laugh was the most contagious laugh ever. There was no way to have a bad day when you walked into our house, and the reason I am no longer apart from that family is all my fault. You see I worked 24 hour shifts pretty much on a daily basis working as a firefighter, and we had this party planned for our captain's 50th birthday. Rose, my wife said she couldn't  make it because our oldest hadn't cleaned her room, but me being stubborn and hard headed I begged her to please let her off the hook so I could see their adorable faces and her heavenly face before our next shift. She gave in, and got the kids ready to go and they hopped in the car and headed to the firehouse. 8 minutes had passed by so I called her and when she picked up the phone, she said they made a wrong turn and are almost there, I hear the phone drop and her shuffling around to find it while still driving. All I heard next was Mia scream MOM WATCH OUT! And then a horn and a loud crash, I got the captain's attention and we took the call to the scene and when we got there it was a massacre... The only survivor was the driver of the semi-truck that ran the red light and T-boned Rose's car. I wasn't allowed near the car where my family lay lifeless. So I fell to my knees with my captain kneeled next to me as I was crying and screaming... I never got a goodbye nor did I get to say I am sorry since I was Rose's distraction, and the reason my whole family is dead... after that the bottle became my best friend...

Finally, the call went through. "It is time... take them out." I said holding back the tears since that will be the second family I have killed. I hear on the other side of the line, a shower of gunshots, and then telling me it is over...

I know I said I wasn't looking to die, but I can't live anymore... so I grabbed the pills and popped the last little bit so I felt no pain, then put the gun in my mouth and pulled the trigger...


Hope, her mom, Trish, and her mom and the one officer named Kennley, who stayed by their side stood no chance against the 4 heavily armed officers that were affiliated with Trevor. The judge was shot with one of the officers pistols that had a silencer added on so no one heard the gunshot killing him. One of the 4 officers was injured by Officer Kennley. No one got out of that courtroom free. The 4 officers who were killed were taken down, and arrested. And 3 days later on March 4th, 2012, Trevor and the Miller family were found by Marcus' nephew Jake Melvin who had come down for little Addie's 4th birthday.

Pain and suffering do not have to bind you down, reaching out can save your life. It may seem impossible, or like you may never escape. But you always have a chance at freeing yourself from the walls that felt unclimbable, the flames that seeped and that burned with agonizing pain. They will be extinguished from ever causing pain like that ever again. Hope escaped, but not in the way she hoped but in the worst way she had imagined because this is a story that's not based on real true events. But you can escape in the way you hope, by finding someone who is willing to hear you and get you help. Don't let the flame extinguish you... 

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